
Particle parameters Generator of the Laboratory of Mechanics in Lille (LML) -part of SIGlml suite-

Primary LanguageMakefile

Particle parameters Generator of the Laboratory of Mechanics in Lille (LML) -part of SIGlml suite-

PGlml is part of Particle Image Velocimetry image generation for
Particle Generation (i.e. particle parameters such as position, size and brightness).
Presently, gaussian particle in image space (i.e. 2D) is drawn on both slope background and noisy grey level.
It is intended to test 2D2C PIV codes.
For 3D space, see PIVnet SIG at www.meol.cnrs.fr SIG .

SIGlml program suite: PGlml | DGlml | SIGlml
- PGlml
- DGlml
- SIGlml

#PIV generation
PGlml -o particles.cimg
##single exposure generation
DGlml -i particles.cimg -d -0.5 -o particles_1.cimg
DGlml -i particles.cimg -d +0.5 -o particles_2.cimg
##double exposure generation
DGlml -i particles.cimg -d 1 -o particles_1n2.cimg
##single exposure images
SIGlml -i particles_1.cimg -o particles_1.png
SIGlml -i particles_2.cimg -o particles_2.png
##double exposure image
SIGlml -i particles_1n2.cimg -o particles_1n2.png

PGlml -h

 PGlml: Particle parameter Generator of LML, it uses different GNU libraries (see --info option)

 usage: ./PGlml -h -I #help and compilation information
        ./PGlml -o gauss_particle_parameters.cimg -s 1.2 -S 2.3 -b 123 -B 234 #random gaussian particle parameterss
        ./PGlml -n 1234 -O true #show position image
 usage misc.:
        ./PGlml --test-mask true -P test_mask_positions.png -O true #default text rendering mode
        ./PGlml --test-text true --text 'DG .:.' -P text_positions.png -O true #specific text rendering
 version: v0.0.3	(other library versions: DGlml_parameter_format.v0.0.1:xySB)
 compilation date:  (Jan 12 2013, 23:21:38)

    --help           true                     help (or -h option)
    --info           false                    show compilation options (or -I option)
    --test-mask      false                    Run and show mask test
    --test-text      false                    Run and show text mask test (use also --text)
    --text           )                        Render this text as available area for the particles
    -n               1234                     number of particles
    -s               1                        minimum value of sigma of gaussian function (i.e. minimum size)
    -S               2                        maximum value of sigma of gaussian function (i.e. maximum size)
    -b               200                      minimum value of amplitude of the gaussian function (i.e. minimum brightness)
    -B               255                      maximum value of amplitude of the gaussian function (i.e. maximum brightness)
    -o               particle_parameters.cimg file name to output all parameters of the particles
    -x               -10.5                    width  minimum value of the particle volume
    -X               521.5                    width  maximum value of the particle volume
    -y               -10.5                    height minimum value of the particle volume
    -Y               521.5                    height maximum value of the particle volume
    -M               0                        image file name of the particle mask (0 no particle, 1 particle area)
    -O               false                    display position image (e.g. -O true)
    -P               false                    file name to output positions in an image (e.g. -P positions.png)