Open Parallel Electromagnetic 3D – A free and open-source frequency-domain full-wave 3D electromagnetic simulator for S-parameters and fields.
OpenParEM3D is a full-wave electromagnetic simulator that solves the for the frequency-dependent vector electric and magnetic fields of general 3D structures and post-processes the fields to produce scattering parameters (S-parameters) between 2D wave ports. Supported boundary conditions include impedance with surface roughness, radiation, perfect electric conductor, and perfect magnetic conductor. The tool uses advanced finite elements (FEM) of arbitrarily high order, adaptive mesh refinement, and parallel processing using the Message Passing Interface (MPI). An extensive set of worked examples demonstrate a variety of setups and solution styles.
A detailed document on the theory, methodology, and accuracy of OpenParEM3D is available along with a comprehensive user's manual.
See the project web site at
OpenParEM2D is a free, open-source project licensed under GPLv3 or later.