
Materialization and serialization between XMI files and XMI graphs.

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT


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Mapping library between XML documents and XMI serialization models based on OMG's XMI 2.5.1 specifications.

If you are looking for a library to read XMI into a UML (and vice versa), see OpenPonk/uml-xmi.


Metacello new
	baseline: 'OPXMI';
	repository: 'github://OpenPonk/xmi/repository';

Basic Usage


Reading a XML string/stream, or an url.

root := OPXMIReader readFrom: aReadStream.
root := OPXMIReader readFromUrl: 'http://www.omg.org/spec/XMI/20131001/XMI-model.xmi'.


A XMI graph can be converted back into a XML string.

inXml := (ZnEasy get: 'http://www.omg.org/spec/UML/20131001/PrimitiveTypes.xmi') entity contents.
xmiGraph := OPXMIReader readFrom: inXml readStream.
outXml := OPXMIWriter writeToString: xmiGraph.

Advanced Usage

Element References

A reference element (string) in the XML is converted into a direct object reference to the target element.

HREF Resolution

XMI supports referencing other elements in the document (xmi:idref and attribute="idRef" are already handled automatically) as well as in other documents; we handle this via mapping.


	<aaItem xmi:id="AAX">
		<bee href="BB.xmi#BBX" />


	<bbItem xmi:id="BBX" />

NOTE: The key of the mapping has to be equal to the referenced URI.

"the order doesn't matter"
mapping := Dictionary
		with: 'AA.xmi' -> 'AA.xmi' asFileReference contents
		with: 'BB.xmi' -> 'BB.xmi' asFileReference contents
resultMapping := OPXMIReader readFromMapping: mapping.

aaItem := (resultMapping at: 'AA.xmi') containedItems first.
bbItem := (resultMapping at: 'BB.xmi') containedItems first.
self assert: aaItem containedItems second referencedElement equals: bbItem.