This is our work-in-progress legal AI search tool! This is only the backend/API for the product, we will soon have a frontend where you can create custom bots/tools and try them out yourself!

We use external resources that you will need to set up if you want to recreate the project.

List of External Resources:

  • OpenAI: llm calls
  • Serpapi: web search
  • Langfuse: tracing
  • Milvus/Zilliz: vector database
  • Firebase: database
  • More that are optional

Installing & Running

  • we recommend using a conda environment, python 3.11, and brew if on mac
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • need to set some environment variables for API keys/etc
    • openai, serpapi, milvus/zilliz, firebase.
  • sudo apt-get update && apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 poppler-utils -y or brew update && brew install ffmpeg poppler
  • uvicorn app.main:api --port=8080 --host=

API/Code Documentation

  • /docs or has the majority of the documentation, but it is a work in progress. Feel free to reach out with any questions

We welcome discussion and improvements from the community! Engage with us through the discussions & issues on the repo and feel free to email us at