
Phonon Backend using MPV Player(libmpv)

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


Phonon Backend using MPV Player(libmpv)


This is a fork of phonon-vlc, rewritten to work with libmpv instead of libVLC. libmpv supports less features than VLC but they are only related to memory streams and audio/video dumps. This backend should be an lightweight alternative to libVLC with less dependencies,


During startup this backend searches for a config file at ~/.config/Phonon/mpv.conf.
It's the same that mpv itself uses so copy/symlink a existing mpv config is possible and allows to control properties that are not touched by this backend(e.g. hwdec etc.).


  • cmake >= 3.5
  • Phonon >= 4.11
  • Qt5 or Qt6
  • libmpv >= 0.29

Build and Install

Run this commands as root (or with sudo):

  # mkdir build
  # cd build
  # cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr <source directory>
  # make
  # make install