
Fingercomp's OpenComputers programs

Primary LanguageLua

Fingercomp's programs

This is a place where hopefully brilliant ideas become programs.

It's been a long time since I've really updated anything here. Many things changed, so some programs may no longer work correctly. If you spot a bug, please do open a issue.


Each package resides in its own directory. Look there for more information.

  • libsemver
    • A MoonScript port of a parser of semantic version strings originally written in Python.
  • libaevent
    • An advanced event library.
  • libder-decoder
    • Decodes data encoded using Distinguished Encoding Rules, a subset of ASN.1. For example, x.509 certificates.
  • libcsv
    • A CSV parser.
  • charts
    • Progress bars and histograms with extra precision.
  • particly
    • A really simple program that uses a Particle Card to "draw" bitmaps in the world.
  • pipedream
    • A simple graphical program.
  • railtank
    • A fancy tank monitoring program.
  • sniff
    • A network sniffer.
  • stars
    • A simple graphical program.
  • eumon
    • An EU storage monitor.
  • ffp
    • A PCM (or WAV if the provided converter is used) player.
  • lumber
    • A basic lumberjack program for a robot which uses an axe that can chop the whole tree, e.g., thaumcraft's axe of the stream.
  • synth
    • A powerful interface to the sound card.
  • libtls
    • An implementation of TLS 1.2.
  • libtls13
    • An implementation of TLS 1.3.
  • libhttp
    • An incomplete HTTP/HTTPS 1.1 library implemented on top of TCP sockets. May be useful in some awkward cases.


Programs I didn't write but had to repackage here as dependencies.

  • lua-lockbox
    • The most awesome pure Lua cryptography toolkit that I've ever found.
  • libbigint
    • Enables one to have very big integers, storing them in a metatable. Basic arithmetic operations (like abs, addition, division, etc.) are supported.


Programs I have no interest in maintaining.

  • nn
    • Nanomachines control program.
  • gist
    • Gist downloader and uploader.
  • game-of-life
    • My implementation of Life.
  • opg-chat
    • IRC-like OpenPeripheral glasses chat.
  • smap
    • A simple Minecraft audio player.