
OpenRadioss is a powerful, industry-proven finite element solver for dynamic event analysis

Primary LanguageBitBakeOtherNOASSERTION

What is OpenRadioss?

Altair® Radioss® is an industry-proven analysis solution that helps users evaluate and optimize product performance for highly nonlinear problems under dynamic loading. For more than 30 years, organizations have used Altair Radioss to streamline and optimize the digital design process, replace costly physical tests with quick and efficient simulation, and speed up design optimization iterations.

OpenRadioss is the publicly available open-source code base that a worldwide community of researchers, software developers, and industry leaders are enhancing every day. OpenRadioss is changing the game by empowering users to make rapid contributions that tackle the latest challenges brought on by rapidly evolving technologies like battery development, lightweight materials and composites, human body models and biomaterials, autonomous driving and flight, as well as the desire to give passengers the safest environment possible via virtual testing.

With OpenRadioss, scientists and technologists can focus their research on a stable code base under professional maintenance that benefits from the large library of existing finite element capabilities and the continuous integration and continuous development tools provided to contributors.

For more information on OpenRadioss project, please visit the OpenRadioss GitHub at https://github.com/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss or the OpenRadioss web page www.openradioss.org If you have any questions about OpenRadioss, please feel free to contact webmaster@openradioss.org.

What is OpenRadioss ModelExchange

This repository is dedicated to share OpenRadioss input decks, examples and components to be included in OpenRadioss Decks.

  The Folder structure is as follow:

Models for all types of components.

Link to OpenRadioss Model Examples and Large HPC Benchmarks. Those models are hosted on OpenRadioss web page. https://www.openradioss.org

To share OpenRadioss Safety models to be included in input decks like Dummies.

How are the models licensed

OpenRadioss models are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International / CC BY-NC 4.0. Check license LICENSE.md

How to contribute

See Contributing.md