The OpenRouter provider for the Vercel AI SDK contains support for hundreds of models through the OpenRouter chat and completion APIs.
- ak-flashMedkort
- atrix228
- cyborgshead@cybercongress
- daun-ioSeoul, South Korea
- dengzhaofunweb3
- denu5Zürich
- DrRenardScDNew Jersey, USA
- eraykeskinmac@OPLOG
- FC4b
- gwplEurope - usually: Zürich, Warsaw or Berlin
- hopkins385
- HuFeiHu
- junhoyeo@mint-cash @alephresear-ch
- keidsondesigner
- lgrammelVercel
- liect
- matheus-rech
- Merlinvt
- microchipgnu@bitteprotocol
- minpeter@friendliai
- Mjr8816
- n0obdevcolorado springs
- nulldatasetnull null
- QVault
- raymelon@tokwalabs
- sheikhartin~
- SpeedyGonzale5
- su466120534
- sumerjoshi
- tokwastudiosManila
- transitive-bullshitBrooklyn, NY
- vincentno1Credidi Inc.
- wong2Jike
- wsadczh
- wsuff
- zaidmukaddamMumbai