Author: Penghui Zhang
Environemet: Successfully excucted in python 3.8
This is an auto moment-curvature analysis tool. Mesh generation is accomplished by gmesh, and moment-curvature analysis is running in openseespy platform.
- download the zip file.
- download gmsh.exe (download gmsh) that satifies your operation system,and put gmsh.exe to your unzip file in step 1.
- confirm the openseespy, matplotlib, numpy, pygmesh are instelled.
The followings are some basic examples, and you can also find them in the download files.
Moment-curvature analysis of a circular section
#Define section
sectName = 'CircularPier'
outD = 2 # the diameter of the outside circle(m)
coverThick = 0.06 # the thinckness of the cover concrete(m)
outbarD = 0.032 # outside bar diameter(m)
outbarDist = 0.119 # outside bar space(m)
coreSize = 0.2 # the size of core concrete fiber
coverSize = 0.3 # the size of cover concrete fiber
plotState = True # plot the fiber or not plot=True or False
coreFiber, coverFiber, barFiber = circleSection(sectName, outD, coverThick, outbarD, outbarDist, coreSize, coverSize, plotState)
# Define material
roucc = np.sum(barFiber, axis=0)[2]/np.sum(coreFiber, axis=0)[2]
material = Material(sectName)
barParameter = material.barParameter("HRB400")
coverParameter = material.coverParameter("C40")
coreParameter = material.coreParameterCircular("C40", "Spiral", outD, coverThick, roucc, 0.1, 0.014, 400)
#Estimate the yield curvature of circular section
kx = 2.213*barParameter[0]/barParameter[2]/outD
ky =kx
np.savetxt(sectName+"/yieldCurvature.txt", [kx, ky], fmt="%0.6f")
#Moment curvature analysis
mcInstance = MC('CircularPier', 'X')
mcInstance.MCAnalysis(4244, 0)
momEff = mcInstance.MCCurve()
Moment-curvature analysis of a rectangular section
#Define section
sectName = 'RectangularPier'
outSideNode = {1: (0.8,1.6), 2: (-0.8,1.6), 3: (-0.8,-1.6), 4: (0.8,-1.6)}
outSideEle = {1: (1, 2), 2: (2, 3), 3: (3, 4), 4: (4, 1)}
coverThick = 0.06 # the thinckness of the cover concrete(m)
coreSize = 0.2 # the size of core concrete fiber
coverSize = 0.3 # the size of cover concrete fiber
outBarDist = 0.1846153846 #bar space(m)
outBarD = 0.028 #bar diameter(m)
plotState = True # plot the fiber or not plot=True or False
plotState=True # plot the fiber or not plot=True or False
autoBarMesh=True #if false provide the barControlNodeDict and barEleDict
userBarNodeDict=None # {1:(y1,z1),2:(y2,z2),...} bar line end nodes
userBarEleDict=None # {1:(nodeI,nodeJ,barD,barDist),...} bar line end nodes number and diameter and distance
coreFiber,coverFiber,barFiber=polygonSection(sectName, outSideNode, outSideEle, coverThick, coreSize, coverSize,
outBarD, outBarDist,plotState,autoBarMesh)
# Define material
roucc = np.sum(barFiber, axis=0)[2]/np.sum(coreFiber, axis=0)[2]
lx = 1.6 #length of the outer section in x direction(m)
ly = 3.2 #length of the outer section in y direction(m)
sl = 0.1846153846 #longitudinal bar space(m)
dsl = 0.028 #longitudinal bar diameter(m)
roux = 0.005 #stirrup reinforcement ratio in x direction
rouy = 0.005 #stirrup reinforcement ratio in y direction
st = 0.15 #transverse bar space(m)
dst = 0.012 #transverse bar diameter(m)
fyh = 400 #transverse bar yield stress(MPa)
material = Material(sectName)
barParameter = material.barParameter("HRB400")
coverParameter = material.coverParameter("C40")
coreParameter = material.coreParameterRectangular("C40", lx, ly, coverThick, roucc, sl, dsl, roux, rouy, st, dst, fyh)
#Estimate the yield curvature of rectangular section
kx = 1.957*barParameter[0]/barParameter[2]/lx
ky = 1.957*barParameter[0]/barParameter[2]/lx
np.savetxt(sectName+"/yieldCurvature.txt", [kx, ky], fmt="%0.6f")
#Moment curvature analysis
mcInstance = MC('RectangularPier', 'X')
mcInstance.MCAnalysis(23000, 0)
momEff = mcInstance.MCCurve()