
OpenSC nightly builds

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1

OpenSC nightly builds are available in seperate branches organized by their git identifier. The latest build can be downloaded as follows:

# Get OpenSC
git clone https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC --single-branch
cd OpenSC

# Get name of branch in Nightly which corresponds to the latest commit in OpenSC
BRANCH=`git log --max-count=1 --date=short --abbrev=8 --pretty=format:"%cd_%h"`

# Download the build
curl https://github.com/OpenSC/Nightly/archive/${BRANCH}.zip -L --output ${BRANCH}.zip

# Unpack the build
unzip ${BRANCH}.zip

Single build artifacts may be downloaded using the web interface:

# Open the build in Firefox
firefox https://github.com/OpenSC/Nightly/tree/${BRANCH}

Some build artifacts may be split up into multiple chunks due to file size limitations. The chunks have extensions in alphabetic order (.aa, .ab, ...). To concatenate them, use something like the following in a terminal:

# Recreate the macOS image
cat OpenSC*.dmg.* > OpenSC.dmg
REM Recreate the Windows debug symbols
copy /b OpenSC-0.21.0-rc1_win64-Debug.zip.aa+OpenSC-0.21.0-rc1_win64-Debug.zip.ab OpenSC-Debug.zip

Note that old builds may be deleted at any time.