This example tutorial teaches how to implement decision rules in Stata when cleaning longitudinal data. You will start with a sample data file that is nearly unique at the student and school year level, and clean each variable until the data is internally consistent.
You will need to have Stata version 12 or higher installed on your computer to run this tutorial. Download, unzip, and extract the files. Open the .smcl file, and arrange the viewer and main Stata windows side by side so that you can see them both. Work through the tutorial by clicking on commands in the viewer window or typing them into the Stata command window.
This tutorial was originally authored by the Strategic Data Project.
OpenSDP is an online, public repository of analytic code, tools, and training intended to foster collaboration among education analysts and researchers in order to accelerate the improvement of our school systems. The community is hosted by the Strategic Data Project, an initiative of the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University. We welcome contributions and feedback.