
Ansible role for installing OpenSIPS CP

Primary LanguageJinjaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This role installs the OpenSIPS CP tool.


Install your role using Ansible Galaxy:

ansible-galaxy install razvancrainea.opensips_cp

Role Variables

The following variables can be set to tune the role's install behavior:

Variable Description Default
opensips_cp_version the (git) version to install master
opensips_cp_dir the directory where the source files should be installed /var/www/html/opensips-cp
opensips_cp_db_engine Database engine to be used (currently only mysql and postgres is supported) mysql
opensips_cp_db_host Database host localhost
opensips_cp_db_port Database port not used
opensips_cp_db_user Database user opensips
opensips_cp_db_pass Database password opensipsrw
opensips_cp_db Database name opensips
opensips_cp_pass Password for the default admin user opensips
opensips_cp_stats Controls whether stats should be gathered true
opensips_cp_force_deploy Forces a deployment with the latest code false
opensips_cp_host_description Description of the OpenSIPS CP host SIP server
opensips_cp_system_name Name of the OpenSIPS CP system SIP Servers
opensips_cp_system_description Description of the OpenSIPS CP system OpenSIPS SIP server cluster
opensips_mi_host OpenSIPS JSON-RPC listener's host
opensips_mi_port OpenSIPS JSON-RPC listener's port 8888
opensips_mi_root OpenSIPS JSON-RPC listener's root mi
opensips_cp_monit_host Host used by the monit tool Value of opensips_mi_host
opensips_cp_monit_port Port used by the monit tool 2812
opensips_cp_modules Please view Modules Configuration default_opensips_cp_modules

Modules Configuration

The opensips_cp_modules variable can be used to tune the modules that are being configured in OpenSIPS CP. It should be defined as a dictionary where each element contains the specifications of a group (users:, system:). Each group is another dictionary that contains one (or more) of the following keys:

  • name: the name of the group, as it should appear in the web interface
  • icon: path to the icon that shall be used for the group
  • modules: a dictionary containing elements for each module to be used. Example: { rtpproxy: RTPProxy, monit: Monit}) If one of the key is missing, it is taken from the default_opensips_cp_modules variable, if it is defined, or '' otherwise. Each module can also be built as a dictionary, containg one of the following keys:
    • name: The name of the module - if missing the default name is used
    • path: The path where the module can be fonud - if missing path is not provisioned


Current known shortcomings of the module:

  • Tools cannot be (granularly) configured - only default config can be used
  • Only one box can be configured


The following is an example of a playbook that uses the opensips_cp role.

- hosts: all
    - role: opensips_cp

Example of opensips_cp_modules variable:

      rtpproxy: RTPProxy
      monit: Monit
      smonitor: Statistics

Example of opensips_cp_modules specifying the module's path:

      monit: Monit
      smonitor: Statistics
    name: Media
    icon: images/icon-media.svg
        name: RTPProxy
        path: system/rtpproxy
