
Docker image for MySQL Client tool

Primary LanguageShell

MySQL Client Docker

Docker recipe for running MySQL Client commands


The container creates the /etc/mysql/my.cnf configuration based on the environment variables defined when starting the container. This file is being used by all the commands run in the container. The container can run in two different modes:

  • script mode: if the first parameter passed when starting the container is a script file that ends in .sh, the container runs that command with the provided arguments; note that the argument should point to a file that exists in the container; otherwise the container runs in client mode
  • client mode: if the container does not point to a file, all the arguments are being passed to the mysql command, resulting in running a single query


The container can receive the following environment variables:

  • MYSQL_HOME: indicates the home directory where MySQL searches for the my.cnf configuration file
  • MYSQL_USER: the user to run mysql commands
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: the default password used when running mysql commands my.cnf configuration file
  • MYSQL_HOST: the host of the MySQL server to connect to
  • MYSQL_PORT: the port of the MySQL server to connect to
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: the name of the default MySQL server
  • MYSQL_OPTIONS: extra MySQL options to be configured on the client side; their format is key1 = value1\r\nkey2 = value2

Building the image

You can build the docker image by running:

make build

This command will build a docker image with MySQL Client tool.


To run a bash script, pass it as a paramater:

docker run -d --name mysql-client opensips/mysql-client:latest script.sh

To run a single mysql command, use:

docker run -d --name mysql-client opensips/mysql-client:latest -s mysql 'select * from user'