Compressed Extended Kalman Fileter-based SLAM simulator by Zhang Haiqiang Thanks to Tim Bailey and Juan Nieto for their code of EKF-SLAM 2004.Version 1.0 ========================================= To run this simulator: 1. load loop902.mat to the workspace 2. run "data = cekfslam(lm,wp)" in the command window ========================================= +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2008-5-11 --Fix bugs when dealing with JXA. --The covariance ellipses are drawn by a more visually convincingly manner. 2008-3-27 I'm working on the data association. --Fix a bug in state augment 2007-11-22 This code works well under: Linux Matlab7.4.0.336 (R2007a) Windows Matlab (R14) on the loop902.mat. HOWEVER, ONLY NUMBER_LOOPS= 1 works fine.