
Terraform module for configuring an integration with Lacework and AWS for agentless scanning

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A Terraform Module to configure the Lacework Agentless Scanner.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.15.0
aws >= 4.0
lacework ~> 1.8
random >= 2.1


Name Version
aws >= 4.0
lacework ~> 1.8
null n/a
random >= 2.1


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.agentless_scan_event_rule resource
aws_cloudwatch_event_target.agentless_scan_event_target resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.agentless_scan_log_group resource
aws_default_network_acl.default resource
aws_default_security_group.default resource
aws_ecs_cluster.agentless_scan_ecs_cluster resource
aws_ecs_cluster_capacity_providers.agentless_scan_capacity_providers resource
aws_ecs_task_definition.agentless_scan_task_definition resource
aws_iam_policy.agentless_scan_task_policy resource
aws_iam_role.agentless_scan_cross_account_role resource
aws_iam_role.agentless_scan_ecs_event_role resource
aws_iam_role.agentless_scan_ecs_execution_role resource
aws_iam_role.agentless_scan_ecs_task_role resource
aws_iam_role.agentless_scan_snapshot_role resource
aws_iam_service_linked_role.agentless_scan_linked_role resource
aws_internet_gateway.agentless_scan_gateway resource
aws_route.agentless_scan_route resource
aws_route_table.agentless_scan_route_table resource
aws_route_table_association.agentless_scan_route_table_association resource
aws_s3_bucket.agentless_scan_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.agentless_scan_bucket_lifecyle resource
aws_s3_bucket_ownership_controls.agentless_scan_bucket_ownership_controls resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.agentless_scan_bucket_policy resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.agentless_scan_bucket_public_access_block resource
aws_s3_bucket_server_side_encryption_configuration.agentless_scan_bucket_encryption resource
aws_s3_bucket_versioning.versioning_example resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret.agentless_scan_secret resource
aws_secretsmanager_secret_version.agentless_scan_secret_version resource
aws_security_group.agentless_scan_sec_group resource
aws_subnet.agentless_scan_public_subnet resource
aws_vpc.agentless_scan_vpc resource
lacework_external_id.aws_iam_external_id resource
lacework_integration_aws_agentless_scanning.lacework_cloud_account resource
lacework_integration_aws_org_agentless_scanning.lacework_cloud_account resource
null_resource.check_organization_requires_global_input resource
random_id.uniq resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.agentless_scan_bucket_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.agentless_scan_cross_account_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.agentless_scan_task_policy_document data source
aws_iam_policy_document.cross_account_inline_policy_bucket data source
aws_iam_policy_document.cross_account_inline_policy_ecs data source
aws_internet_gateway.selected data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_vpc.selected data source
lacework_user_profile.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_environment_variables Optional list of additional environment variables passed to the ECS task.
name = string
value = string
[] no
agentless_scan_ecs_event_role_arn ECS event role ARN. Required input for regional resources. (Deprecated: use global_module_reference) string "" no
agentless_scan_ecs_execution_role_arn ECS execution role ARN. Required input for regional resources. (Deprecated: use global_module_reference) string "" no
agentless_scan_ecs_task_role_arn ECS task role ARN. Required input for regional resources. (Deprecated: use global_module_reference) string "" no
agentless_scan_secret_arn AWS SecretsManager Secret ARN for Lacework Account/Token. Required if Global is false and Regional is true. (Deprecated: use global_module_reference) string "" no
bucket_encryption_enabled Set this to false to disable setting S3 SSE. bool true no
bucket_force_destroy Force destroy bucket. (if disabled, terraform will not be able do destroy non-empty bucket) bool true no
bucket_sse_algorithm The encryption algorithm to use for S3 bucket server-side encryption. string "AES256" no
bucket_sse_key_arn The ARN of the KMS encryption key to be used for S3 (required when bucket_sse_algorithm is aws:kms). string "" no
bucket_tags Optional collection of tags to apply to the bucket map(string) {} no
cross_account_role_arn The IAM cross account role ARN is required when setting use_existing_cross_account_role to true string "" no
cross_account_role_name The IAM cross account role name. Required to match with cross_account_role_arn if use_existing_cross_account_role is set to true string "" no
external_id The external ID configured inside the IAM role used for cross account access string "" no
filter_query_text The LQL query text. string "" no
global Whether or not to create global resources. Defaults to false. bool false no
global_module_reference A reference to the global lacework_aws_agentless_scanning module for this account.
agentless_scan_ecs_task_role_arn = string
agentless_scan_ecs_execution_role_arn = string
agentless_scan_ecs_event_role_arn = string
agentless_scan_secret_arn = string
lacework_account = string
lacework_domain = string
external_id = string
prefix = string
suffix = string
"agentless_scan_ecs_event_role_arn": "",
"agentless_scan_ecs_execution_role_arn": "",
"agentless_scan_ecs_task_role_arn": "",
"agentless_scan_secret_arn": "",
"external_id": "",
"lacework_account": "",
"lacework_domain": "",
"prefix": "",
"suffix": ""
iam_service_linked_role Whether or not to create aws_iam_service_linked_role. Defaults to false. bool false no
image_url The container image url for Lacework sidekick. string "public.ecr.aws/p5r4i7k7/sidekick:latest" no
lacework_account The name of the Lacework account with which to integrate. string "" no
lacework_aws_account_id The Lacework AWS account that the IAM role will grant access. string "434813966438" no
lacework_domain The domain of the Lacework account with with to integrate. string "lacework.net" no
lacework_integration_name The name of the Lacework cloud account integration. string "aws-agentless-scanning" no
org_account_mappings Mapping of AWS accounts to Lacework accounts within a Lacework organization
default_lacework_account = string
mapping = list(object({
lacework_account = string
aws_accounts = list(string)
[] no
organization Used for multi-account scanning. Set management_account to the AWS Organizations management account. Set the monitored_accounts list to a list of AWS account IDs or OUs.
management_account = string
monitored_accounts = list(string)
"management_account": "",
"monitored_accounts": []
prefix A string to be prefixed to the name of all new resources. string "lacework-agentless-scanning" no
regional Whether or not to create regional resources. Defaults to false. bool false no
scan_containers Whether to includes scanning for containers. Defaults to true. bool true no
scan_frequency_hours How often in hours the scan will run in hours. Defaults to 24. number 24 no
scan_host_vulnerabilities Whether to includes scanning for host vulnerabilities. Defaults to true. bool true no
scan_multi_volume Whether to scan secondary volumes. Defaults to false. bool false no
scan_stopped_instances Whether to scan stopped instances. Defaults to true. bool true no
secretsmanager_kms_key_id ARN or Id of the AWS KMS key to be used to encrypt the secret values in the versions stored in this secret. string null no
security_group_id The ID of the security group to use for scanning compute resources. Must also set use_existing_security_group to true. string "" no
snapshot_role Whether or not to create an AWS Organization snapshot role. Defaults to false. bool false no
subnet_id The ID of the subnet to use for scanning compute resources. Must also set use_existing_subnet to true. string "" no
suffix A string to be appended to the end of the name of all new resources. string "" no
use_existing_cross_account_role Set this to true to use an existing IAM cross account role bool false no
use_existing_event_role Set this to true to use an existing IAM event role bool false no
use_existing_execution_role Set this to true to use an existing IAM execution role bool false no
use_existing_security_group Set this to true to use an existing security group for scanning compute resources. bool false no
use_existing_subnet Set this to true to use an existing subnet for scanning compute resources. bool false no
use_existing_task_role Set this to true to use an existing IAM task role bool false no
use_existing_vpc Set this to true to use an existing VPC. The VPC must have a Internet Gateway attached, and vpc_cidr_block will be used to create new subnet to isolate scanning resources. bool false no
use_internet_gateway Whether or not you want to use an 'AWS internet gateway' for internet facing traffic. Only set this to false if you route internet traffic using a different approach. bool true no
vpc_cidr_block VPC CIDR block used to isolate scanning VPC and single subnet. string "" no
vpc_id The ID of an existing AWS VPC to use for deploying regional scan resources. Must have an Internet Gateway attached. string "" no


Name Description
agentless_scan_ecs_event_role_arn Output ECS event role ARN.
agentless_scan_ecs_execution_role_arn Output ECS execution role ARN.
agentless_scan_ecs_task_role_arn Output ECS task role ARN.
agentless_scan_secret_arn AWS SecretsManager Secret ARN for Lacework Account and Token.
external_id External ID used for assuming snapshot creation and cross-account roles.
lacework_account Lacework Account Name for Integration.
lacework_domain Lacework Domain Name for Integration.
prefix Prefix used to add uniqueness to resource names.
suffix Suffix used to add uniqueness to resource names.