
OpenSlides Website

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is the repository of the official OpenSlides website.

The website is a single page web application made with Angular and Typescript.


  • (May need some memory and harddisk, tested in a VM with 2 GiByte RAM and 10 GiByte storage)
  • Install Node.js (e.g. from your GNU/Linux distribution apt install nodejs npm Debian Bullseye)
  • Install Nginx (e.g. apt install nginx-light Debian Bullseye)
  • Clone source
  • Fetch Javascript dependencies with npm install

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4201/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

See api/ for the server which is responsible for handling the orders.

Uploading translations

  • Requirements for the extraction step are django-babel with jinja2 and GNU gettext. (e.g. apt install python3-django-babel python3-jinja2 gettext Debian Bullseye.)

For easier translation handling, you have to have the transifex client installed. Make sure you exported your API token as described in https://docs.transifex.com/client/init#before-running-tx-init.

After you made some changes to the website, run ./scripts/extract-translations.sh to update the template-de.pot file. Then, upload the file with tx push --source. You can now edit the translations as usual on transifex.

When you are finished, just run tx pull --all and then ./scripts/compile-translations.sh to generate the JSON/MO files.