
GSS on Kubernetes support tools

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION


Scripts to aid/diagnose GSS on Kubernetes installations.


Initial installation

git clone https://github.com/OpenSmallworld/k8s-tools.git 

Update installation

git pull

You are recommended to use git pull frequently as there are regular updates, indicated by the VERSION ID.

If you find that a git pull does not update, please delete and re-clone. The default branch may have changed.



Gather data into a support "bundle" for diagnosing issues.


Note: It is important to run the bundle script from the deployment node, or a node which has kubectl installed.

git pull # recommended
sudo bash bundle.sh </path/to/pdi_input_manifest.yaml>

To avoid creating the bundled tar archive, use the --no-bundle or -z option.

To display execution progress, use the --debug or -D option.

For AWS or restricted shells where root access is not permitted, use the --non-root or -N option. This may cause some information to not be captured as well as errors while running!

If KUBECONFIG is not defined, you can point to an alternative file using the --kubeconfig </path/to/kubeconfig> or -k </path/to/kubeconfig> option.

If a pod has restarted and you want to include the logs fronm the previous instance, use the --include-previous or -p option.

If you need to restrict the log output, you can use the --since or -s option. Valid units are h,m,s. Examples of this are:

--since=30m # last 30 minutes
--since=3h # last 3 hours
-s 72h # last 3 days

To display all options, use the --help option.


You should expect to see a simple ................... as output. If you see a warning (shown below), these can be ignored. If you see errors, including those mentioning port numbers, then you have either run as the wrong user, there is a problem with your KUBECONFIG environment variable or an error with the script. Please include any errors with the case.

[swadmin@k8s k8s-tools]$ git pull # recommended
[swadmin@k8s k8s-tools]$ sudo bash bundle.sh /opt/sw/gss-5.2.5/kubernetes_scripts/pdi_input_manifest.yaml 
...............Warning: extensions/v1beta1 Ingress is deprecated in v1.14+, unavailable in v1.22+; use networking.k8s.io/v1 Ingress
Generating bundle bundle_20201027_211513Z.tar.gz
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4.0M Oct 27 21:15 bundle_20201027_211513Z.tar.gz

Always provide info.txt with any support tickets. bundle_20201027_211513Z.tar.gz is only required when requested.

[swadmin@k8s k8s-tools]$


Validate UAA configuration (specifically for LDAP connections) and query a known username.


Copy the id-check.jar file onto the sws-uaa pod, shell into it and run directly.


[root@k8s ~]# kubectl get po -A | grep sws-uaa
<namespace>            sws-uaa-deployment-*********-*****                                1/1     Running     0               36h
[root@k8s ~]# kubectl cp /path/to/id-check.jar sws-uaa-deployment-*********-*****:/tmp/id-check.jar -n <namespace>
Defaulted container "uaa-uaa" out of: uaa-uaa, nslookup-uaa-postgresql-svc (init), init-uaa-postgresql-svc (init)
[root@k8s ~]# kubectl exec -it pod/sws-uaa-deployment-*********-***** -n <namespace> -- bash
bash-4.4$ java -jar /tmp/id-check.jar <username>
Using /usr/local/uaa-config/uaa.yml
Sending Ping Request to <server-name>/<ip-address>
Host is reachable
connecting to <server-uri>...
successfully connected to <server-uri>
Found: <found-distinguished-name>
Took: <n>ms

If you add a different certificate store to the pod, you will need to add arguments pointing to the file, for example: java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/cacerts -jar /tmp/id-check.jar <username>


Gather minimal data data into a single file called minimal.txt. This is sometimes required in the cases where getting the environment bootstrapped is problematic.


Note: It is important to run the bundle script from the deployment node, or a node which has docker and Kubernetes installed.

git pull # recommended
sudo bash minimal.sh </path/to/pdi_input_manifest.yaml>


List base64 encoded secrets from one or all namespaces.


git pull # recommended
sudo bash list_secrets.sh
# or
sudo bash list_secrets.sh <namespace>