
This application serves the purpose of passing messages between two different versions of Socket IO (1.X and 2.X). Any message received from one of them is automatically passed to all others.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Socket.IO Repeater

Connect Socket.io v1 clients to Socket.io v2 server

This application serves the purpose of passing messages between two differnt version of Socket IO (1.X and 2.X). Any message received from one of them is automatically passed to all others.

Socket.IO team announced version 2.X that is not backward-compatible, due to:

This github shows how OpenSooq managed to maintain various clients with various languages and versions.

The Solution

An unmodified old client resolves the server domain leading to a socket.io v1.x service, but that service is just a “bridge” interfacing with old v1.x clients from one side passing those events to the real socket.io v2.x upstream

You can obtain socket.io-repeater from our github repo

git clone ...
cd socketio_repeater
npm install
SERVER_BASEURL='http://io-v2.internal:3000' LISTEN_PORT=1300 node index.js

Install Dependencies

npm install
cd io2_test_server && npm install && cd ..
cd io1_test_client && npm install && cd ..

Run Test

Run test server

cd io2_test_server
LISTEN_PORT=3000 node index.js

Run the repeater

SERVER_BASEURL='https://localhost:3000' LISTEN_PORT=1300 node index.js

Run the test client

cd io1_test_client
IO1_BASEURL='https://localhost:1300' node test.js


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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.