OpenSourceOrg::API - Perl API Bindings to the OSI License API
version 0.001
use OpenSourceOrg::API;
my $client = OpenSourceOrg::API->new();
my $all_licenses = $client->all();
my $permisive_licenses = $client->tagged('permissive');
my $mit = $client->get('MIT');
my $Mozilla_2_0 = $client->get_by_scheme('SPDX', 'MPL-2.0');
OpenSOurceOrg::API is an API Wrapper that allows you to query the Open Source License API with Perl.
Get a list of all known licenses.
The response is the perl equivalent of the json returned by the api, documented in
Find all licenses tagged with a keyword
as defined in
Get a license by its OSI ID
Get a license by its Scheme ID
Pablo Rodríguez González
Copyright (c) 2017 by Pablo Rodríguez González.
This is free software, licensed under:
The GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3, November 2007