A web scraper bot designed for the ACT Spirit Day Hackathon 2020
Code Rating and Build Status
ACT ScrapeBot is a web scraper bot designed for the ACT Spirit Day Hackathon 2020. Given the fact that the American College of Thessaloniki's website does not provide an API, ACT ScrapeBot solves that problem by creating a "fake" interface. This is achieved by scraping the site itself and getting the required information.
Using multiple threads to process user requests, ACT ScrapeBot is designed to handle thousands of requests per second, the limiting factor being the internet connection of its' hosting provider. This performance requires the use a minimalistic approach for web requests. By handling every request as a producer, operations are fulfilled in blazing fast speed.
Principle of design:
As such, you don't even need to open your browser and load all the rest of the unneeded data. Simply log in into your Discord account, use a command, and you'll have the direct links to the resources of a course, for example.
Credits for the icons used:
kiddo, Gregor Cresnar, Nadir Balcikli, Adrien Coquet, Imam Januar, ImageCatalog, Hea Poh Lin
The Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/