
Keyboard Host - Unable to change input mode on boot using keyboard

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Expected Behavior

Press and hold key mapped to an input mode while booting resulting in booting into that input mode.

Current Behavior

Press and hold key mapped to an input mode while booting does not result in booting into that input mode. Instead it remains in whatever input mode it was in or saved through web config.


Firmware Version: 0.7.7
Board Config Name: GP2040-CE_0.7.7_KeyboardConverter.uf2
Device Name: Keyboard Converter
Purchase Link:

Steps to Reproduce

Because Keyboard Host add-on does not work at all with 0.7.8, this was done with 0.7.7 and I was unable to confirm whether the issue persists with 0.7.8 firmware

  1. Flash GP2040-CE converter that has a USB Host port with firmware
  2. Connect keyboard
  3. Press and hold an input mode button
  4. Plug in or reset the converter
  5. Input mode remains unchanged