
Autocomplete half circle

csaki opened this issue · 1 comments


Occasionally, trying to do a half circle I end up skipping neutral down. So instead of the game registering ⬅↙⬇↘➡, it registers ⬅↙↘➡ and in some games like KOF it's needed to have the neutral down (↙↘ can be skipped).


My idea is to keep in memory for one frame (17ms) the last diagonal and compare it with the next diagonal and autocomplete an input if needed for one frame.

Do you plan to work on this feature yourself?

I did a proof of concept that works for me (Raspberry Pico), but I'm not proficient in C and first time working with hardware so not sure if it would work everywhere (and almost sure that there is a better way to do it).

For a variety of reasons, we will not be merging input assistance-style features.