
OpenSTF client with appium for test automation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OpenSTF+Appium Client for test automation

Unit tests Coverage Status PyPI version

Library provides basic functionality for test automation which allows allocating phone from STF server using python stf-client, initialise adb connection to it and start [appium][https://github.com/appium/python-client] server for it.

Basic idea is to run tests against remote openstf device farm with minimum requirements.


    participant C as User
    participant A as stf-appium-client
    participant B as STF(device)
    C->>A: allocation_context(requirements, wait_timeout, timeout, shuffle)
    A->>B: Find suitable device
    A->>B: allocate device
    A->>B: remoteConnect
    A->>B: ADB Connection
    A->>A: Start AppiumServer(ADB)
    A->>A: Start AppiumClient(AppiumServer)
    A->>C: AppiumClient(AppiumServer(ADB))
    C->>A: Run Appium Tests

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • openstf server and access token
  • python >=3.7
  • adb
  • appium (npm install appium) Library expects that appium is located to PATH
    • appium 2 (npm install appium@next)
      • remember to install appium drivers, e.g. appium driver install uiautomator2
    • appium 1
    • note that appium server and client need to be compatible with each other!


  • pip install stf-appium-client

or for development purpose:

  • pip install -e .

Running the tests

make test

CI runs tests against following environments:

ubuntu-latest macos-latest windows-latest


This pip package could be installed together with test framework and utilise using CLI interface or via python interface. See more usage examples below.


Python Library

client = StfClient(host=environ.get('STF_HOST'))

with client.allocation_context(
        requirements=dict(version='10')) as device:
    print('phone is now allocated and remote connected')
    with AdbServer(device['remote_adb_url']) as adb_port:
        print('adb server started with port: {adb_port}')
            with AppiumServer() as appium:
                print("Phone is ready for test automation..")
                # appium is running and ready for usage
                with AppiumClient() as driver:

See examples from examples -folder.


Library utilise python native logging module. Logger name is StfAppiumClient. By default it configure default console handler for logger with INFO level. STF_APPIUM_LOGGING env variable can be used to use DEBUG logging level. If any handlers for this logger is configured before StfClient instance creation no default handlers are added.


stf --token 123456 --requirements "{\"version\": \"9\"}" "echo $DEV1_SERIAL"

Call robot framework

stf --token 123456 --requirements "{\"version\": \"9\"}" "robot phone/suite" 
$ stf --help
usage: stf [-h] --token TOKEN [--host HOST] [--requirements R] [--list]
           [command [command ...]]

STF client with appium.

Tool allocate phone, create adb and appium server and 
call user given command with generated env variables:
DEV1_ADB_PORT      ADB PORT that appium utilize.
DEV1_APPIUM_HOST   appium host where user given command can connect, e.g. robot framework
DEV1_SERIAL        device details..
DEV1_REQUIREMENTS  user given requirements
DEV1_INFO          phone details

Example: stf --token 123 -- echo \$DEV1_SERIAL

positional arguments:
  command           Command to be execute during device allocation

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --token TOKEN       openstf access token
  --host HOST         openstf host
  --list              list only requirements, filtered on given requirements
  --requirements R    requirements as json string
  --timeout t         allocation timeout
  --wait_timeout w    max wait time for suitable device allocation
  --verbose           appium logs to console. WARNING: this mix console prints
  --appium-logs file  appium logs to file


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details