OpenTechSchool Materials Landing

A simple one-page landing for all of OTS' workshop materials.

Built using the Gumby Framework. And jekyll, and compass.

You can edit / add workshops simply by editing the yaml sections dictionary found in _config.yml.

To build this site, you'll need Ruby installed, and possibly Node.js.


Use bundle install, or install the compass, jekyll and modular-scale gems.

To run the site, use compass watch in one terminal and jekyll serve -w in another, then visit http://localhost:4000/

CSS adjustments are made in sass/_custom.scss and sass/_fonts.scss.

Jekyll might not automatically rebuild the site if you have changed _config.yml, so I just rm -r _site/* before restarting the server again.


Only needed to update gumby.

Node requirements: bower, claymate. These two are designed to be installed globally ([sudo ]npm install -g bower claymate).

To update gumby, use bower update gumby. To then rebuild it, use claymate build.