
Collect gtfs vehicle movement data for ML model training.

Primary LanguageGoMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Real time transit monitor

This project uses a static gtfs static schedules and frequent queries against a gtfs-rt vehicle position feed generating an estimated transition time it takes for each vehicle to move from scheduled stop to scheduled stop recording these an "observed_stop_time" table. These records can later be used to train a machine learning model to make vehicle travel predictions.

This project is in currently in a proof of concept stage. Its purpose is to discover if data collected from a publicly available gtfs and gtfs-rt are adequate to produce predictions that are better than reporting the mean time taken to travel between the same stops. Its only been run against data from developer.trimet.org at this time, and assumes that all static gtfs distance units are measured in feet.

If this proof of concept is successful this project will grow into a larger project to produce viable ML models and use them to predict arrival times for a transit agency.

Go modules are vendored with 'go mod vendor' to ensure reproducible builds.

Project Structure

Project structure is based on Ardan Labs service example project.


This project contains two executables. 'gtfs-loader' is responsible for loading a static gtfs schedule. 'gtfs-monitor' is meant to run continuously to monitor a gtfs-rt vehicle feed. Their entry points can be found in app/gtfs-loader/main.go and app/gtfs-monitor/main.go. Code specific to these programs are located under their respective folders.

The business folder contains packages that can be shared across current or future executables in this project.

The foundation folder contains packages that can be shared across current or future projects. They make no policy on application choices such as logging, configuration or execution lifecycles. Packages in this folder are candidates for separate "kit" project.

The Ardan Labs conf package is used to gather environment variables and command line arguments for configuration.


Project usage


Use go 1.16 or better. To build the two executables change the working directory to this project and run:

go build ./app/gtfs-loader
go build ./app/gtfs-monitor
go build ./app/model-mgr


Uses a postgresql database. Create a user and database, and 'grant all on database' to that user.

The project doesn't currently generate or maintain its own schema. Run the contents of ddl/schedule_and_monitor_ddl.sql followed by ddl/models_ddl.sql on the database while logged in as that user.

The 'observed_stop_time' and 'trip_deviation' tables are partitioned. Partitions will need to be manually created before the table can be used by the gtfs-monitor program. For example to create partitions for the month of August and September 2021 run the following:

create table observed_stop_time_part_2021_08 partition of observed_stop_time for values from ('2021-08-01') to ('2021-09-01');
create table observed_stop_time_part_2021_09 partition of observed_stop_time for values from ('2021-09-01') to ('2021-10-01');
create table trip_deviation_part_2021_08 partition of trip_deviation for values from ('2021-08-01') to ('2021-09-01');
create table trip_deviation_part_2021_09 partition of trip_deviation for values from ('2021-09-01') to ('2021-10-01');


gtfs-loader should be run on a frequent basis to check that the latest static gtfs schedule is loaded from an url using the "load" command. HTTP "ETag" or "Last-Modified" headers provided by the server are used to see if a new version of the gtfs needs to be loaded. If neither of these are available or accurate the gtfs-loader should be run manually with the --gtfs-force-download argument or LOADER_GTFS_FORCE_DOWNLOAD environment variable set to true when a new schedule becomes available, or on regular basis as appropriate for the publisher of the static gtfs schedule.

Example environment variable setup and usage to load or update gtfs schedule

export LOADER_DB_USER=database_username
export LOADER_DB_PASSWORD=a_good_password 
export LOADER_DB_NAME=database_name
export LOADER_DB_HOST=database_host
export LOADER_GTFS_URL=https://developer.trimet.org/schedule/gtfs.zip
./gtfs-loader load

gtfs-load has a 'list' command to list instances of the gtfs-static schedule that are loaded in the database. These are stored as a 'data set' where each static gtfs table has a 'data set id'. Schedule data at any particular time uses the same 'data set id' to identify what schedule was current at the time.

gtfs-load 'delete' can be used to remove a gtfs data set and all schedule rows associated with it.

Requires calendar.txt, trips.txt, stop_times.txt and shapes.txt in GTFS file. Optionally loads calendar_dates.txt if present.

GTFS optional fields required by this project:

  • trips.txt requires shape_id column
  • stop_times.txt requires shape_dist_traveled column


gtfs-monitor frequently polls a gtfs-rt vehicle position feed monitoring bus transition times between stops, recording results to the 'observed_stop_time' table. It expects to find a current gtfs schedule in the database loaded by gtfs-loader.

gtfs-monitor is intended to run inside a container. Logging is sent to STDOUT. If running in a container is not desired it can be run inside a terminal multiplexer such as screen or tmux.

Example environment variable setup and usage to monitor gtfs-rt schedule. Replace with a valid appid in this example:

export MONITOR_DB_USER=database_username
export MONITOR_DB_PASSWORD=a_good_password 
export MONITOR_DB_NAME=database_name
export MONITOR_DB_HOST=database_host
export MONITOR_GTFS_VEHICLE_POSITIONS_URL=https://developer.trimet.org/ws/V1/VehiclePositions/appid/<appid>


model-mgr examines currently active Dataset as loaded by the last gtfs-loader and creates ml_model and ml_model_stop records that are required to cover current schedule.

Example environment variable setup and usage to create ml_model records:

export MODEL_MGR_DB_USER=database_username
export MODEL_MGR_DB_PASSWORD=a_good_password
export MODEL_MGR_DB_NAME=database_name
export MODEL_MGR_DB_HOST=database_host
./gtfs-mgr discover