Docker Debian Stretch - RVM - Rails - Adopt-A-Tree

Build Status

This repository is used for building a custom Docker image for the Open Twin Cities Adopt-A-Tree App.

Name of This Docker Image


Upstream Docker Image

What's Added

  • The latest versions of the rails, pg, nokogiri, and ffi gems
  • The versions of the above gems used in the Adopt-A-Tree app
  • The mailcatcher gem
  • The correct Ruby version WITH the above gems plus the Ruby version to upgrade to

Things NOT Included

This Docker image does not include all versions of Ruby, Rails, pg, nokogiri, and ffi. Instead, I have custom Docker images for every Rails app I'm working on.

What's the Point?

This Docker image is used for running the AdoptA-Tree app. The process of getting started is MUCH faster in a development environment that comes with the correct versions of Ruby and the correct versions of certain gems already pre-installed. The rails, pg, nokogiri, and ffi gems take a long time to install.

More Information

General information common to all Docker Debian build repositories is in the FAQ.