
Modular front-end client for ndia-django

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Modular front-end client for ndia-django.

The Angular portion of the NDIA project aims to build a responsive, well designed frontend for users to find information about public technology centers, classes, and events in North Minneapolis.

Clone ndia-angular

$ git clone https://github.com/OpenTwinCities/ndia-angular.git

If you would like to contribute to ndia-angular, we strongly recommend that you fork the repository and create pull-requests.


  • ruby (for Sassy CSS)
  • node.js & npm
  • grunt
  • bower

Getting Ruby and Sass

Check if you have ruby available on your system:

$ which ruby

If not, find a suitable method for your OS and personal taste to use to install ruby. Many such methods are explained at www.ruby-lang.org.

Once you have ruby installed you should be able to run

$ bundle install

from within the ndia-angular directory. This will install the rubygems for sass, compass and any other ruby dependencies.

Getting Node & NPM

There are a few ways to get node & npm installed on your system:

  • You can grab the latest installer directly from the Node.js website.
  • OR, you can [install node via your OS's package manager]( and create pull-requests).
  • OR (my favorite), you can use the Node Version Manager.

Using npm to install JavaScript modules

Once you have npm installed, you may want to install the following modules globally* (by passing the -g argument to npm):

$ npm -g install bower
$ npm -g install grunt-cli

* in general we like to keep our node modules in the local directory for the project which requires them. There are a few exceptions to this, such as grunt and bower, which will generally be used across many different projects.

Once you have bower and grunt, you can install the remaining modules for this project. From withing the ndia-angular directory run:

$ npm install
$ bower install

Running ndia-angular with grunt

Get a list of possible grunt commands by running:

$ grunt --help

To run the server and make this application available in your browser at http://localhost:9000:

$ grunt serve

To just run the tests in the terminal:

$ grunt test

To build the production assets, run the default grunt task, simply:

$ grunt