
An instance of councilmatic fo St. Paul.

St. Paul Councilmatic

An instance of Councilmatic, a subscription service for city council legislative information, started in Philadelphia, for St. Paul. Based on code for the Philly instance.


This is not currently working as the scraper is not working for the St. Paul Legistar site (advanced search). The St. Paul Legistar site does not supply introduction date which is a key field in Councilmatic. Either the scraper needs to be updated, or the Council Clerk needs to supply this information.


  1. (optional) Create a Virtualenv
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create a PostGIS database called 'councilmatic'. Refer to the GeoDjango documentation or other PostGIS documentation for instructions.
  4. Create log directory: mkdir website/logs


  1. cp website/local_settings.py.template website/local_settings.py
  2. Configure local_settings.py with your database. The LEGISLATION configuration for St. Paul should be included.


python website/manage.py syncdb
python website/manage.py migrate

If you chose to create a superuser during the syncdb command, you should now create a subscriber for that superuser. A subscriber could not be created until the subscriptions app's database tables were set up, and that didn't happen until the migrate command. Now that the subscription app is ready, sync the subscriber objects:

python website/manage.py syncsubscribers

Now you should be able to run the site:

python website/manage.py runserver

Load data

  1. python website/manage.py loadlegfiles (maybe)
  2. python website/manage.py updatelegfiles
  3. python website/manage.py update_index