
The solution of team 'grt123' in DSB2017

Primary LanguagePython

Lung Detection for nodules 0.0.1

this is a fork of Lung Detection system developed in 2017
First goal is conversion of python 2.7 to python 3.7 the files and code kept here not the full
2nd goal is mergering of methods and testing against a competing model of Juliandewit https://github.com/juliandewit/kaggle_ndsb2017


Preprocessing for some code is update date for python 3.7


The detection class works currently for python 3.7



Paper link to the original project

https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.08324 Please cite this paper if you find this project helpful for your research.

Old Dependencies

Ubuntu 14.04, python 2.7, CUDA 8.0, cudnn 5.1, h5py (2.6.0), SimpleITK (0.10.0), numpy (1.11.3), nvidia-ml-py (7.352.0), matplotlib (2.0.0), scikit-image (0.12.3), scipy (0.18.1), pyparsing (2.1.4), pytorch (0.1.10+ac9245a) (anaconda is recommended)

This is my configuration, I am not sure about the compatability of other versions