
FT2232H-based USB sniffer/tracer; new home after old 'openvizsla' github project could not be recovered.

Primary LanguageScheme


This is the main repository of the (FTDI-based) OpenVizsla 3.x USB protocol tracer.

The repository contains

  • hardware contains the hardware design files (Altium design files, Schematics, PCB layout)
  • software/fpga contains the source code to the digital logic inside the on-board FPGA
  • software/host contains the source code to the libusb-based host software

Getting Started

Once you have obtained hardware, you can build the software and set up udev rules as follows:

git clone https://github.com/OpenVizslaTNG/ov_ftdi.git
cd ov_ftdi
sudo cp software/host/52-openvizsla.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
make -C software/host

If the board was plugged in before copying the udev rules, either unplug it and plug it back, or run sudo udevadm trigger -s usb -c add.

To capture USB traffic, you need to know the speed beforehand; it is specified as one of ls, fs or hs. Sniff the traffic and print it to standard output with:

./software/host/ovctl.py sniff <speed>

To build a portable package using PyInstaller, first make sure that PyInstaller is installed into the current environment, then use the following:

cd ov_ftdi/software/host
make # or nmake on Windows
bash package.sh # or package.ps1 or package.bat on Windows.

The package will then be generated under dist/ovctl.

Note that due to PyInstaller limitation, the target machine must be running the same OS on the same architecture as the host machine.

The portable executable targeting Linux will ship with the udev rule file under udev/ directory. Install it first to /etc/udev/rules.d/ before running the package on another Linux machine.

Project Status

(as of Feburary 2022):

The hardware design and the FPGA gateware are considered stable and reliable, and have not been touched since late 2014.

The host software is quite basic and just gives you a textual / hex decode of the USB packets in near real-time. Alternatively the host software can save captures in following formats:

There is basic integration with Wireshark using the extcap interface. The ovextcap available at https://github.com/matwey/libopenvizsla is known to work on Windows and Linux.

Since Wireshark 3.6.0, USBLL packet reassembly is supported. Wireshark will now reassemble packets into transfers and pass the data to upper layer dissectors (HID, Audio, Mass Storage, CCID, DFU, etc.). Use the filter expression !(frame.protocols == "usbll") to hide low level packets.

There's no integration with other tools like sigrok or the virtual-usb-analyzer mainly due to feature overlapping with existing tools and/or lack of developer interests.

At least partly due to the lack of availability of boards, there hasn't been any progress over the years, particularly not with the original project founder bushing passing away (see History section below).

We're looking forward to people who'd like to contribute in the area of the host software.

Project History

There was a Kickstarter campaign in 2010. The campaign was hugely successful and interested parties pledged more than USD 80k towards the development and fist production batches of the project. Development happened in 2011 and 2012 on a XMOS based hardware design (OV2).

Unfortuntely, progress was not as fast as originally anticipated for a variety of reasons.

By June 2013, bushing decided to go ahead with a much simpler design based on just a FTDI and FPGA, without the complexity of the XMOS. This is what came to be known as OpenVizsla 3 or OV3. In September 2013, the digital logic migrated from Verilog to migen (python).

You can find some blog posts by Felix "tmbinc" Dombke related to the time OV3 was under development at https://debugmo.de/tags/openvizsla/

In July/August 2014, all the backers finally received their boards.

In early 2016, the original creator of OpenVizsla, Ben "bushing" Byer had unfortunately passed away. One of the (lesser) consequences of this was that pre-built/assembled OpenVizsla 3.x boards became unavailable.

As an Open Hardware project, of course anyone could simple build them, but then if you just need one or a few boards, it's a lot of effort and not very cost efficient to do so.

In 2018, Harald "LaF0rge" Welte became interested in the project, and with the help of Felix "tmbinc" Domke, he managed to get hold of the left-over surplus boards that still existed from bushings' original production run. By early 2019 those boards arrived in Germany, from where they are now being made available via the sysmocom webshop at https://shop.sysmocom.de/

Hopefully with boards being available again, we can re-spawn some interest into OpenVizsla, and get some people to work on improving it, particularly on the host software side for visualization of the captured data.

Copyright / License

OpenVizsla was originally created by Ben "bushing" Byer and pytey, and later joined by Felix "tmbinc" Domke. For detailed copyright statements, please see the respective documents or code.

The License for the hardware design is the "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License"

The License for the hardware design is a 2-clause BSD-style license, see software/fpga/ov3/LICENSE for details

The License for the host software is a 2-clause BSD-style license, see software/host/LICENSE for details

Obtaining Hardware

The OpenVizsla 3.2 hardware is finally again available for purchase. This means you don't have to build your own boards to work with the project.

You can obtain boards from:

Please note that it is in no way required to buy the boards from mentioned shops, the design is open hardware and you can just as well build it all by yourself.