
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Compile CoupledL2

> git clone https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/CoupledL2.git
> git checkout BRANCH_UNDER_TEST
> make init

Next we need to generate a DUT wrapper. We provide two pre-written wrappers, you can also build new DUT wrappers.
> make test-top-l2l3l2  // For L2-L3-L2 test

Compile tl-test

> git clone https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/tl-test.git
> mkdir build
> cd build

> cmake .. -DDUT_DIR=${PATH_TO_CPL2}/build
For trace-dump, add -DTRACE=1
For multi-thread, add -DTHREAD=${NR_THREADS}
For gdb support, add -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug

> make

Run tl-test

> ./tlc_test

-s --seed=N        Set N as random seed
-c --cycle=N       Simulate for N cycles
-b --wave-begin=N  Wave dump starts from cycle N
-e --wave-end=N    Wave dump ends to cycle N
-f --wave-full     Dump wave in full cycles
-v --verbose       Verbose mode
Please check -DTRACE=1 is added to tl-test compiling cmake arguments before wave dump.

Tl-test will dump wave to directory tl-test/build/ if wave_begin < wave_end.

Use TLLog

TLLog is a method that can capture messages on TileLink bus, which may be helpful for debugging. To use TLLog:

Make sure that your TestTop enables chiselDB

CoupledL2/src/test/TestTop.scala: object TestTop_L2L3L2

ChiselDB.init(false) -> ChiselDB.init(true)

Make sure that SQlite3 has been installed in your machine.

Build CoupledL2 and clone tl-test following above steps.

> cmake .. -DDUT_DIR=${PATH_TO_CPL2}/build -DTLLOG=1
> make
> ./tlc_test -d

The .db file will write to tl-test/build.

*Attention: it won't save the .db file until the tl-test program ends.

Use the following commands to open .db file:

> sqlite3 <database.db> "SELECT * FROM TLLog"

To filter the table by a specific table entry:

> sqlite3 <database.db> "SELECT * FROM TLLog WHERE <ENTRY>=<VALUE>"


  1. see all messages between L1D_0 and L2:
> sqlite3 <database.db> "SELECT * FROM TLLog WHERE SITE='L1D_L2_0'"
  1. see all messages on channel A
> sqlite3 <database.db> "SELECT * FROM TLLog WHERE CHANNEL='0'"

** There is a script in tl-test/script, which help you get better experience on reading the database file: **

> sqlite3 <database.db> "SELECT * FROM TLLog" | sh script/convert_tllog.sh