RocketOS is a Unix based OS that uses legacy BIOS and GRUB and is written in C17. It is being developed for educational purposes primarily, but it still is a serious project. It is currently in its infancy.
- 45739847
- abschillUnited States
- BoQscPublic Domain
- bs2kbs2kNoneCorp
- bSchneppSalt Lake City, Utah
- bunnybunbun37204Trang, Thailand
- CaterpyOwO
- FedericoSchonbornBuenos Aires, Argentina
- flyingsl0ths
- hentai-chanAdvanced Systems
- HTGAzureX1212HKUST | @TeamHarTex | @USThing | @ZigIDE
- ILiekMelons
- jakobottarUniversity of Utah
- johnsonjhBAN AI Systems
- k4sl3
- karnkaulBlizzard
- lirorc
- max-niederman@Bindwell
- nekiwoIllinois
- NikolaJelic
- Paramilkyo mama
- ryanwoodsmall
- SolindekDevBarn Programming Language
- StefanGreveNEXUS / LAB
- Temperature-block
- TheDomCraft@CraftMusic-App-Studios
- TheHattedKidQuelque part en Rance, où? Bah en Rance.
- Tu-Zhenzhao
- tuxcanfly@bcoin-org @handshake-org
- vision-05United Kingdom
- Vovo4krm -rf
- xiabo0816Beijing, China