
Node.js Africa Public Documentation

Node.js Africa

Node.js Africa is an open source organization established to expand the growth of Node.js in Africa.

Objectives and Goals

Our goal is to build a community that preach open-source, teach node_modules, talk node_modules, design node_modules in a diverse community of open-source and open-sorcerer in Africa.

We hope to spread the news about Node.js and JS in Africa, not just by code commits but technical writing, content development for Node.js/JS, and developing a community of the nNext billion users.

To also see, that Node.js is globalized, encouraging diversity and collaboration in our community. We believe that Africa is a wonderful place to explore and develop with the nNext Generation bBillion uUsers, building and contributing to the open source project either by developing modules or developing with the modules or even by developing open-source projects (software or libraries).

As an open-source community, we focus on developing the developer who develops the content, who speaks the language (JS) and administers the technology (Node.js). We work to equip problem solvers with modules and software to make development easier and more proficient even for end-users everyday activities. We also be to organizing hackathons, conferences and meetups around Africa, as a way of getting Africans more involved in the Node.js Foundation projects.


NodeJS Africa is currently chaired by Agiri Abraham Junior (@codeekage) and with the assistance of Hassan Sani (@iNidAName), Precious Chukundah (@pachukundah), Precious Dike (@supardyke), Atauba Prince (@achowba_), Gabriel Eze (@chuqdenis), Theodora Isola (@theodoraisola), Ojukwu Gloria (), Rachael Onuigbo (@raechaelo). To facilitate the work of this body, individual roles have been assigned to the selected individual and these are the current sublets of NodeJS Africa.

  • Agiri Abraham Jnr. (@codeekage) Administration.
  • Hassan Sani (@iNidAName) Administration.
  • Precious Chukundah (@chukundah) Publicity and Web Dev.
  • Precious Dike (@supardyke) Mentoring and Code Administration.
  • Atauba Prince (@achowba) Administration.
  • Gabriel Eze (@chuqdenis) Community-Manager and Designs.
  • Theodora (@theodoraisola) NodeJS Africa Women Administration.


  • Rachael Onuigbo (@raechaelo) Nodejs African Writers Mentoring.

New Initiatives

NodeJS African Women

This initiative is pioneered by Hassan Sani (@iNidAName) in acknowledgement of the International Women’s Day as a way of gathering the African girl children and women into coding and open sourcing in Africa using Node.js and JS technologies. This initiative is currently chaired by Theodora Isola (@theodoraisola) and Ojukwu Gloria. We believe this will be a way of starting something new in Node.js Foundation.

Mentorship Writing Program

This initiative is pioneered by Agiri Abraham Junior (@codeekage). We usually encourage people to get started with contributing to open-source and we also say start off with documentations but the tTech -Ccommunities have not made room for training people into going to writing and documentation as Open Source contribution other than coding or a particular language or a technology. Documentation being the most important part of a language or framework has never had meetup for such reasons and that is why NodeJS Africa has brought up the initiative of having a mentorship program for just technical writing, proofreading and documentation. We hope it is welcomed. This initiative is currently chaired by Rachael Onuigbo (@raechaelo).

How we intend to achieve our goals

As an open-source community we don’t only believe in organizing meetups or talk session or having slide presentation from speakers but we believe in having a fellowship and mentorship systems that encourages the participants i.e. our members to learn more and do more. That’s why Node in Africa (Node.js Africa) will be organizing bi-weekly training session for its member. This training will cut across from the novice level of HTML/CSS and JS up to using Node.js as an expert which includes developing with Node.jsnode_modules and contributing to the Nnode.js core.

We also believe in doing while learning; members will be fully involved in assessments and having challenging tasks that will make them better and will be an impact to African Open Source Sorcerers Community as the challenge will lead to members becoming a Node.js Developer Expert and an Open Source Sorcerer.

We will also guide our members in writing world class documentations and article for Node.js/JS and any other language of their choice, as documentation is the power of any language, technology or framework.

Our Guide

Local Chapters MUST at least have one of each topic in there public doucmentation.

HTML/CSS and Design Concept.


  • Variables.
  • Conditionals Construct
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Objects
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Using Documentation
  • Functions, Promises, Callbacks, Async JS, Classes.


  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Setting up Node.js servers.
  • Filing system in Node.js
  • Understanding/Manipulating the technology behind Node.js and its Core Libraries.
  • Designing Node.js App with Node.js Core Libraries.
  • Creating/Testing/Deploying Node.js APIs with MEN (MongoDB Express and Node) and Heroku.
  • Creating/Deploying personal packages and libraries.
  • Creating/Deploying Node.js Applications using personal packages and libraries..
  • Deploying personal packages on npmjs.com.
  • Dedicating personal packages and libraries as open source.
  • Contributing to Node.js core and node_modules.
  • Become a Node.js Developer Expert/Ambassador Node in Africa.

As a way of contributing to node.js documentation and js, packages designed by members will be documented by Node in Africa documentation team which every member is already a part of and documentation will be added to Node in Africa JavaScript and Node.js documentation page.

Meeting Structure

All Chapter MUST adpot these meeting structure

  • General Meetups → Bi-Weekly.
  • Documentation Meetups → Once a month.
  • SheNode.js Meetup → Once a month.
  • Collaboration meetings → Random.

How to become a member?

You MUST belong to local chapter to be recongized as a member of Node.js Africa

Slack: nodeslackers.com #africa channel