[App] Creating my own personal portfolio
See it live on tonyisern.com Or clone repo, cd into repo, then run "npm run start" See my API endpoints at https://optimistic-blog-api.herokuapp.com/api/posts
Creating a portfolio to showcase my projects, as well as a place for contact information and a blog. Blog fetches data from an Express server with API endpoints for the blog posts
Beyond that, other learning outcomes were:
- Designing reusable components
- Creating a blog using local markdown files
- Using EmailJS to send emails
- Using CSS animations
- Typescript for types
- Allows users to see a list of all my projects
- Users can see all of my contact information, including Github, LinkedIn, and email.
- Allows can see blogs
- Users can navigate between blogs on a blog page using the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons
- Users can see a video snippet of each project, as well as the hosted project and code.
- Allow users to send an email with EmailJS using the contact page
- Netlify - Hosting
- React CSS Modules - CSS with local scoping
- Typescript - Static typing in JavaScript
- EmailJS - Sending emails
- Use MDX for blogs instead of markdown
- Allow users to comment on blogs
- Add a representative image to each blog post
- Have CSS animations occur as the user scrolls into view instead of on the page load
Navigation menu links are not showing the correct font