[App] A fullstack social media application built using the MERN stack and Typescript. Front-end application is fully tested with Vitest and React Testing Library. Back-end application is tested with Supertest and mongodb-memory-server. AWS S3 is used to store images. The Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API is used to AI-generate alt text for images. The Giphy API is used for the chat-based section of Skyfringe to allow users to send GIFs and stickers to their friends. Hosted the front-end with Netlify and the back-end with Heroku.
See it live on https://skyfringe.netlify.app
Creating an application that emcompasses everything I have learned using the MERN Stack with Typescript.
Beyond that, other learning outcomes were:
- Using the Giphy API to allow users to upload GIFs and stickers in the chat application
- Using Socket.io for real-time communication for the chat section of Skyfringe
- Using the Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API to generate alt text
- Using Test-Driven-Development to build features
- Using a 'Toast' component to give user feedback on certain actions like creating posts, making a change to their profile picture, etc.
- Building custom skeleton components for when the application is loading
- Using passport.js for authentication using the Local Strategy and Facebook authentication with JWT tokens stored in HTTP only cookies.
- Creating testing configuration for testing purposes, including seeding the database, and setting up "mongodb-memory-server"
- Creating custom Express.js middleware for useful functions. See the "/middleware" folder in "/server" to see some of the functionality.
- Writing an npm script to populate database.
- Using "react-css-modules" for styling purposes.
- Using custom React hooks for data fetching, features like adding keyboard support for menu, and for implementing expected UX features like pressing "Esc" or clicking away to close a menu.
- Substantial testing on the back-end using "supertest" and "mongodb-memory-server" for testing API endpoints.
- Substantial testing on the front-end using Vitest and React Testing Library for testing front-end functionality.
- Allows users to authenticate by using a guest user, creating their own account, or OAuth with Facebook.
- Allows users to perform CRUD operations on posts and comments.
- Providing suggestions for users based on their friends and mutual connections.
- Allowing users to send, cancel, reject, and accept friend requests. Allows users to unfriend their friends.
- Allows users like posts and comments.
- Allows users to change their profile details including their full name, bio, password information, profile picture, and cover picture.
- Allows users to delete their accounts.
- Allows users to chat with their friends in real-time using Socket.io. Users can send messages, emojis, GIFs, stickers, and emojis.
- Allows users to see notifications based on certain events like a user liking their post/comment, or a user sending out accepting/rejecting/cancelling/sending/unfriending requests.
- Allows users to see their posts, liked posts, friends, and all images related to that user in their profile page.
- Allows a user to search for other uses using the search bar on the aside of the page.
- Allows users to log out.
- Highly focused on accessibility for keyboard users and users who use screen readers.
- Responsive design
- Typescript - Static typing in JavaScript
- Jest - Assertion and test running library
- Vitest - Unit testing framework that works especially well with Vite applications
- Supertest - Super-agent driven library for testing node.js HTTP servers using a fluent API
- mongodb-memory-server - Spins up a fresh in-memory mongoDB server that you can connect to with mongoose, and then use for your testing environment
- Passport - Authentication library for Node.js
- AWS S3 - Storage bucket for images
- Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API - API used to analyze images, read, and text using AI
- Multer-S3 - storage engine for Amazon S3
- Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB
- Socket.io - WebSocket library
- Emoji Picker - UI library
- React Router - Client-side routing
- React CSS Modules - CSS with local scoping
- Express - Web framework
- MongoDB - Database
Method | Endpoint | Description | Required fields | JSON Web Token (JWT) required |
GET | /api/users | Get all users (public details) | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId | Get a user (public details) | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId/chats | Get user chats | - | ✅ |
PUT | /api/users/:userId | Update user details | fullName,bio,oldPassword,newPassword,passwordCon | ✅ |
PUT | /api/users/:userId/avatar | Update user profile pic | image, imageUpdated | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId/notifications | Get all user notifications | - | ✅ |
DELETE | /api/users/:userId/notifications | Delete all user notifications | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId/notifications/:id | Delete user notification | - | ✅ |
PUT | /api/users/:userId/cover | Update user cover pic | image, imageUpdated | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId/images | Get all images related to a user | - | ✅ |
DELETE | /api/users/:userId | Delete single user | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId/feed | Get all posts making up a user's feed, sorted by date recency | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/search-users/:query | Search for users | query | ✅ |
GET | /api/posts | Get all posts | - | ✅ |
POST | /api/posts | Add new post | image, content | ✅ |
PUT | /api/posts/:postId/likes | Like a single post (i.e. add new user to likes array) | - | ✅ |
PUT | /api/posts/:postId | Update single post by ID | image, content | ✅ |
DELETE | /api/posts/:postId | Delete a post by ID | - | ✅ |
PUT | /api/posts/:postId | Edit a post by ID | content, img_url | ✅ |
GET | /api/posts/:postId/comments | Retrieve the comments on a post | - | ✅ |
POST | /api/posts/:postId/comments | Create a comment on a post | content | ✅ |
DELETE | /api/comments/:commentId | Delete a comment by ID | - | ✅ |
PUT | /api/comments/:commentId | Edit a comment by ID | content | ✅ |
PUT | /api/comments/:commentId/likes | Like a comment on a post | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/comments/:commentId | Retrieve a comment by ID | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/users/:userId | Retrieve a user's information | - | ✅ |
GET | /api/chat | Get chat | friend | ✅ |
POST | /api/chat/:chatId/messages | Add a new message | requestType | ✅ |
PUT | /api/friends/:userId | Handle all friend requests. API call MUST specify requestType in the request body | image, content | ✅ |
POST | /api/auth/current | Return the currently logged in user | - | ✅ |
POST | /api/auth/login/facebook | Authenticate using Facebook and return JWT token in a cookie | - | ❌ |
POST | /api/auth/login | Authenticate a user and return JWT token | userName, password | ❌ |
POST | /api/auth/register | Register user and return JWT token inside of a cookie | fullName, userName, email, password | ❌ |
Clone this Repo
Install Dependencies inside of the "/web" directory from the root project and run the server
cd web/ && npm install && npm run dev
Install Dependencies inside of the "/server" directory from the root project and run the server
cd server/ && npm install && npm run dev
file in the root folder of the "/app" directory:VITE_API_DOMAIN=https://example-api.com/api VITE_BASE_DOMAIN=https://example-api.com VITE_S3_BUCKET=https://examplebucketname.s3.amazonaws.com GIPHY_API_KEY=[YOUR KEY HERE] VITE_FACEBOOK_APP_ID=[YOUR ID HERE]
file in the root folder of the "/server" directory:DB_STRING=mongodb+srv://example:password@cluster0.8deylk9.mongodb.net/skyfringe?retryWrites=true&w=majority JWT_SECRET=bob PORT=5000 AWS_BUCKET_NAME=https://examplebucketname.s3.amazonaws.com AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[YOUR AWS S3 ACCESS KEY ID HERE] AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[YOUR AWS S3 SECRET ACCESS KEY HERE] AZURE_KEY=[YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE KEY HERE] AZURE_ENDPOINT=[YOUR MICROSOFT AZURE ENDPOINT HERE] FRONTEND_URL=https://frontend.com FACEBOOK_APP_ID=[YOUR FACEBOOK APP ID HERE] FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET=[YOUR FACEBOOK APP SECRET HERE]
Populate your database using my NPM script without any effort on your end!
cd server && npm run seed
- Write more tests on the front-end and backend
- Make the application more accessible on the front-end to conform to WAI-ARIA standards
- Make the notifications section real-time
- Change color schemes and add more animations to the front-end
- Use React Query for data fetching
- Fix issue with logging in not working on Safari due to the blocking of cross-site cookies
- When clicking on the comments dropdown for each post to reveal comments, there's overflow that happens as the transition occurs from a collapsed dropdown to an expanded one. However, I can't use 'overflow:hidden' because I need the emoji pop-up to work, which would hide parts of the emoji pop-up.
- On mobile, long comment threads overflow.