180 Days Challenge

The Premise

My birthday is on the 30th of June, and the 30th of June is the 180th day of the year. The goal is to record 90 work out sessions between January 1st and June 30th. Quick maths: That is every other day.

The Reward

To motivate myself I am copying the concept from Inverted Charity Run Challenge, which I did in 2018/2019. For every work out session short of the goal, I will donate 500,- NOK to Redd Barna on my birthday.


80 of 90 sessions recorded = (90 - 80) * 500 = 5000,- NOK
90 of 90 sessions recorded = (90 - 90) * 500 = 0,- NOK


This project was made over the course of a couple of days, with minimal effort put into the quality of the code. The project reuses a lot of code from earlier projects.