This repository describes how to setup, configurate and run Jenkins on docker.
- Setup
- Configuration
- Running Jenkins
To setup Jenkins on Docker we will follow the procedure:
- Create a Docker Container
- Install Jenkins
In this section will be listed commands to create a docker container with Ubuntu 16.04 base image.
The following commands utilize files provided on this repository.
# Create the image and the container
# Start the container
# Press ENTER to see the prompts
Assuming a Ubuntu 16.04 environment.
Follow the procedure to install Jenkins:
# Download and add Jenkins package key
cd ~/
wget --quiet \
--output-document=jenkinskey \
sudo apt-key add jenkinskey
rm jenkinskey
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list'
# Install Jenkins
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
Jenkins will be launched as a daemon on start.
You can see
for more details.