
Simple React Tree Component using rc-tree as a base component.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT



React Tree Component for showing simple hiearchy structures on the UI. Component is based on rc-tree (https://github.com/react-component/tree) component.


npm install @opuscapita/react-tree-component


View the DEMO



The default build with compiled styles in the .js file. Also minified version available in the lib/umd directory.

CommonJS/ES Module

You need to configure your module loader to use cjs or es fields of the package.json to use these module types. Also you need to configure sass loader, since all the styles are in sass format.


Prop name Type Default Description
treeId string defaultTree Tree identifier
className string '' Tree container custom class for styling
iconClass string 'carets' FontAwesome content based indicators:
chevron nodes as chevrons
carets nodes as carets
arrow nodes as arrows
onExpand Function () => {} Handling the node expand. Takes 'expandedKeys' as parameter jsx onExpand(expKeys) { console.log(expKeys, arguments); }
onSelect Function () => {} Handling the item select. Takes 'selectedKeys' and 'info' (event object to get node)as parameter jsx onSelect(selKeys, info) { console.log(selKeys, info); }
onCheck Function () => {} Handling the item checked
onDragDrop Function () => {} Fires when item is dragged and dropped
onOrderButtonClick Function undefined Fires when ordering arrows are clicked
isDragDropLegal Function undefined This callback is executed before completing drag n' drop action. Function should return a bool
showIcon Boolean false Whether show or hide node guide lines
checkable Boolean false Whether show or hide checkboxes from tree
selectable Boolean false Whether item can be selected.
disabled Boolean false Disables all node items checkboxes.
draggable Boolean false Whether item can be dragged around.
defaultExpandAll Boolean false Expand all nodes by default.
Note! For better performance do not
enable this for large dataSets.
treeData Array [] Array of node objects.
dataLookUpKey String 'key' Unique identifier of data item.
dataLookUpValue String 'parent' Representative value of data item.
dataLookUpLeafValue String undefined Representative value of leaf data item (if differs from dataLookUpValue).
dataLookUpChildren String 'children' Data item property to identifiy subitems
checkedKeys Array [] Array of checked items (ids)
expandedKeys Array [] Array of expanded items (ids)
defaultExpandedKeys Array [] Array of items that are expanded by default (ids). Use expandedKeys instead, if you're using 'handleExpandedKeysManually'
selectedKeys Array [] Array of selected items (ids)
deselectOnContainerClick Boolean true Deselects all selected keys when not clicking on any particular item
showExpandAll Boolean false Show expand all toggle
title String undefined Tree title
headerRight Node undefined Content displayed on the right side of the header
showOrderingArrows Boolean false Shows arrows for reordering the tree items. (if you don't want to use (flawed) drag n' drop)
handleExpandedKeysManually Boolean false Use this, if you want a full control of expanded keys. Don't use this, if you want rc-tree to handle node expansion automatically

Code example

import React from 'react';
import { OCTreeView } from '@opuscapita/react-tree-component';   

export default class TreeView extends React.Component {
  const familyData = [
      personId: '100',
      name: 'John Doe',
      siblings: [
        { personId: '100100', name: 'Martha Doe', siblings: [] },
        { personId: '100200', name: 'Jonathan Doe', siblings: [ { personId: '100200100', name: 'Mike Doe', siblings: [] }] },
      personId: '200',
      name: 'Haley Miley',
      siblings: [
        { personId: '200100', name: 'Cyrus Miley', siblings: [] },
  const treeConfig = {
    treeData: exampleData,
    treeId: 'FamilyTree',
    checkable: true,
    selectable: false,
    defaultExpandAll: false,
    showIcon: false,
    dataLookUpKey: 'personId',
    dataLookUpValue: 'name',
    dataLookUpChildren: 'siblings',
    disableCheckbox: true,
  render() {
    return (
      <OCTreeView {...treeConfig} />