Guess Two-Thirds Of The Average Game On The Starknet

介绍 Intro

  • Guess 2/3 of the Average Game is a game with no dominant strategy. In this game, several participants are asked to each give a number in a specified range, and the person whose number is closest to 2/3 of the average will be the winner. Participants were blinded to each other's choices. If you want to learn more, you can watch this video

  • 猜均值的三分之二是一项没有支配性策略的博弈。在这个游戏中,若干个参与者被要求每人给出一个指定区间的数字,所给出的数字最接近平均值2/3的那个人将会是获胜者。参与者之间并不知道其他人的选择。如希望深入了解,可以观看 该视频

游戏玩法 Gameplay

  • Players need to log in before they can participate in the game
  • After logging in, players can submit numbers within the specified range in this round of the game.
  • There are currently six games with different durations. The duration of each round of each game is: 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month (30 days), 1 quarter (90 days), 1 year ( 365 days)
  • In each round of the game, when the first player submits a number, the timer will start
  • When the current round of the game ends, the game will be settled and the winning player will be announced.
  • Participating in each round of the game will consume points (Points). Games of different lengths require different points.
  • The winning player will share all the points of this round (winner points) equally
  • A number of points will be awarded for free when you log in to the system for the first time. You can also earn points (general points) by watching advertisements and checking in daily.
  • Only the points earned by winning games (winner points) can participate in advertising revenue sharing
  • Both general points and winner points can be used to prioritize public welfare projects and Starknet crowdfunding projects.
  • High-priority projects will receive funding from advertising revenue first
  • ...(To be added)

  • 玩家需要登录以后才能参与游戏
  • 登录以后玩家可以在本轮游戏下提交指定范围内的数字
  • 目前有六种不同持续时长的游戏,每种游戏每轮的持续时间分别是: 1小时、1天、1周、1个月(30天)、1个季度(90天)、1年(365天)
  • 每轮游戏,当第一个玩家提交数字以后,计时就会开始
  • 当本轮游戏结束以后,就会进行游戏结算,公布获胜玩家
  • 参加每轮游戏会消耗积分(Points),不同时长的游戏需要的积分不同
  • 获胜玩家会平分本轮游戏的所有积分(winner points)
  • 首次登录系统会免费发放若干积分,观看广告和每日签到也可获得积分(general points)
  • 只有参加游戏获胜赢得的积分(winner points)可以参与广告收入分成
  • general points 和 winner points 都可以对公益项目和 Starknet 众筹项目进行优先级投票
  • 优先级高的项目会优先获得广告收入资助
  • ...(待补充)


Demo Video