🙋‍♀️Certified Computer Systems Analyst (CSA) | Mentor @ Google WTM | Google Developers Women Techmaker Ambassador | Google Developers Group Chapter (GDG) |
DataWorx / Innovation Social ClubIsrael
Pinned Repositories
Cohort 0x01 - March 2022
Project jointly executed by Or Manor & CEO of eXtensoData of Nepal, and Prof. Sharma University of Silicon Valley of US. Main goal is to lead data-driven project to find if data supports a prediction (likelihood) of certain technologies (or business verticals) to be more successful in the future than others. Mission: 1. Identify reliable and regular data points: economic, technical, personnel, geographics, political, environmental, and many others. 2. Evaluate the impact of these data topics and apply them into scientific models. 3. Provide results in easily consumable formats which can be simulated by the prospective clients Vision: 1. Tool will redefine the ability to predict forecasting of the industry in the VC market
A robot powered training repository :robot:
This repo aim to gather all Israelis tech writer, feel free to open Pull Request and add your self❤️
The purpose of this project is to make a stronger bond between companies and the Open Source community
WOSI - Women of Open Source Israel 🇮🇱
What is ML? Create your first ML model Train the neural network Use the model Congratulations
OrManor's Repositories
Cohort 0x01 - March 2022
Project jointly executed by Or Manor & CEO of eXtensoData of Nepal, and Prof. Sharma University of Silicon Valley of US. Main goal is to lead data-driven project to find if data supports a prediction (likelihood) of certain technologies (or business verticals) to be more successful in the future than others. Mission: 1. Identify reliable and regular data points: economic, technical, personnel, geographics, political, environmental, and many others. 2. Evaluate the impact of these data topics and apply them into scientific models. 3. Provide results in easily consumable formats which can be simulated by the prospective clients Vision: 1. Tool will redefine the ability to predict forecasting of the industry in the VC market
A robot powered training repository :robot:
This repo aim to gather all Israelis tech writer, feel free to open Pull Request and add your self❤️
WOSI - Women of Open Source Israel 🇮🇱
The purpose of this project is to make a stronger bond between companies and the Open Source community
What is ML? Create your first ML model Train the neural network Use the model Congratulations