
A digital library that enables the display, rental and return of books including adding, editing, deleting and creating discounts by authors and managing the library's general checkout, managing a large number of users while tracking return and rental times and saving data on JSON files. All this while using OOP and OOD principles in a WPF app.

Primary LanguageC#



The library system is a digital library store that simulates a public library.
The options of the system are a display of the items in the library, rental and return of items, and searching for items according to certain parameters.
Authors in the library also have the option of editing, adding, deleting, and creating discounts.
In addition, the system monitors and calculates the library's expenses and income and presents the library's general cash register to authors.
The library has 2 types of items (Item is an abstract class), a magazine and a book, each of which has its own uniqueness.
The library has 3 types of users:
1- User - representing a simple user who logs in with a username and password and can perform actions such as renting and returning items.
2- Librarian - inherits from a user and has access to various parts of the system that a simple user does not have, such as adding discounts, editing and adding items.
3- Admin - inherits from a user, and can approve/delete users and has access to all parts of the system.
In addition, without registration it is possible to log in as a guest and only view partial information about the items in the library.
All data is saved and loaded automatically when closing/opening the application, on Jason files.
On the first run of the application, default JSON files are created, in which the administrator's username and password are also saved.
Username - AdminUser@1991
Password - 123456


  • .Net Core


  • Pull from here

Executing Program

  • Compile
  • Run the exe