
Python Projects

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains mini python scripts done in the past to get familiarized with Python and the Pythonian way of writing code.


  1. Instagram Unfollower Tool:
    A simple tool developed using selenium that follows and then unfollows famous instagram account to get random followers back.
  2. Encode Group API Project:
    A project that demonstrates the usage of the StackExchange API and calculates some statistics. Developed in the context of a coding interview with Encode Group.
  3. Seven Segment Display Adder:
    A fun little tool that takes 2 2-digit integers and calculates their sum by printing them in sever segment display format. Developed using pygame. Inspired by CodingTrain.
  4. Bubble Sort Visualization:
    VIsualization of the bubble sort algorithm. Developed using pygame. Inspired by CodingTrain. Contact me for more visualized sorting algorithms.
  5. Space Invades:
    Implementation of the all time classic game Space Invaders. Developed using pygame. Inspired by CodingTrain.
  6. Rain:
    Purple rain by Prince.
  7. Maze:
    Script that generates a maze using Prim's randomized algorithm.
  8. Rat in a maze:
    Script that solves a trivial maze using backtracking
  9. Keylogger:
    Really basic keylogger that gets the inputed keys and saves in `log.txt` file. Extra functionality to be added.