CoinPayments is a cloud wallet solution that offers an easy way to integrate a checkout system for numerous cryptocurrencies.
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Maintenance status?
#82 opened by Benjythebee - 1
How to use coinpayments.getTx?
#80 opened by A7DC - 1
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Help with IPn
#78 opened by or0to - 0
Version 3.0.0
#77 opened by OrahKokos - 2
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querystring deprecation with latest webpack
#74 opened by alexnoise79 - 0
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Support for USDT TRC20 on coinpayments?
#71 opened by yeabu369 - 6
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Can't resolve 'crypto'
#65 opened by pawankumarjoshi - 3
transaction status
#61 opened by wiremail - 1
checkout_url not present
#57 opened by alexnoise79 - 19
CORS problem
#56 opened by amilamen - 9
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Site is down, Coinpayment doesn't work?
#49 opened by StarNeit - 1
Setting timeout (creating a transaction)
#48 opened by Vultwo - 1
IPN isn't working
#47 opened by mxvsh - 1
IPN Sent Successfully not working
#44 opened by casha1995 - 1
Regular Expression Fix for MassWithdrawal
#45 opened by Uter1007 - 1
#43 opened by casha1995 - 0
Roadmap v2
#24 opened by OrahKokos - 1
How to get all deposit address of an currency?
#42 opened by ndphuong - 2
2.0.0 could not find entry
#40 opened by hiddendragonXVII - 1
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Example Code Broken For Certain Notifications?
#20 opened by alxHenry - 2
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CreateWithdrawal options "add_tx_fee"
#30 opened by ritziyap - 6
IPN HTTP(S) in a servless enviroment
#33 opened by digoburigo - 2
Withdrawal Tag
#34 opened by sahaab - 2
CoinPayment option "ipn_url"
#37 opened by Filliposniper - 8
Do Withdrawal IPNs work correctly?
#13 opened by Fardinak - 1
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IPN HTTP(S) POST not working.
#32 opened by deejaygeroso - 1
CreateWithdrawal transaction fees
#31 opened by ritziyap - 4
Reducer Error in MassWithdrawal
#26 opened by Uter1007 - 5
Better IPN support
#5 opened by azarus - 1
Issue sending XRP after creating a transaction
#21 opened by hach3 - 3
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Automated IPN crash
#14 opened by daniel-van-niekerk - 1
auto_confirm must be optional
#15 opened by nyancodeid - 3
Middleware 'Complete' IPN never goes through
#18 opened by namanyayg - 2
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change Create Mass Withdrawal Response format
#10 opened by nyancodeid - 12
Integration Fix
#9 opened by ErmanCalis2017 - 1
How I can find number of coins I have for a specific coin type.
#6 opened by UnnikrishnanBhargavakurup