- 5
Add guaranteed delivery to Cepheus Broker
#49 opened by marcc-orange - 0
- 0
- 1
- 5
- 8
Cepheus CEP in a multi-tenancy way
#60 opened by salc2 - 4
Incorrect processing for notification about changes in multiple context entities.
#73 opened by efviodo - 2
Cepheus does not send subscribeContext request on changing ServiceName and ServicePath
#69 opened by Adeeb-khan - 6
- 8
change remote.url in docker container
#62 opened by khanbaba - 2
- 1
Cepheus multiple statements
#61 opened by cdupont - 1
Example mocks crash on updateContextResponse
#58 opened by marcc-orange - 1
- 1
Exception logging
#56 opened by chazemar - 2
Use Docker parameters for Cepheus configuration
#55 opened by chazemar - 1
Adding persistance to Cepheus
#50 opened by sabrine2020 - 7
run cep condition every X minutes?
#53 opened by macu39 - 1
Error with cepheus Broker 0.1.7
#52 opened by macu39 - 4
Dropping XML support
#42 opened by marcc-orange - 0
Compatibility with Orion 1.X.X
#51 opened by marcc-orange - 0
Support for NGSIv2 API
#48 opened by marcc-orange - 3
Move NGSI library to a dedicated repo
#43 opened by marcc-orange - 9
NGSI - Java 7 support
#41 opened by masonlouchart - 2
Notification not triggered if subscription contains subset of updated attributes
#45 opened by psartini - 0
CEP: cleanup invalid subscriptions
#40 opened by PascaleBorscia - 1
Detection of existing statements is not working
#36 opened by manubaum - 6
- 2
- 3
Using Cepheus
#31 opened by abbasahmad - 2
long should be supported
#24 opened by manubaum - 0
cep: handle geoloc operations
#17 opened by PascaleBorscia - 0
ngsi: bad format of error response
#26 opened by marcc-orange - 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
broker: crashes on rPi (sqlite-jdbc)
#20 opened by marcc-orange - 0
metrology: integrate jmeter plugin
#15 opened by PascaleBorscia - 0
broker: filter forwarded requests
#10 opened by marcc-orange - 0
ngsi: xml serialization errors
#9 opened by marcc-orange - 1
LinkSprite-NGSI demo application
#7 opened by marcc-orange - 1
QueryContext sends empty restriction.
#4 opened by dkgof - 0
Support NGSI V1 with XML format
#1 opened by marcc-orange