Machine Learning for the Visualization of Alzheimer's Disease

Primary LanguagePython


Machine Learning for the Visualization of Alzheimer's Disease

The full paper is available: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2023.102543 Eslami, M., Tabarestani, S. and Adjouadi, M., 2023. A unique color-coded visualization system with multimodal information fusion and deep learning in a longitudinal study of Alzheimer's disease. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 140, p.102543.

Tensorflow 2.4 and Python 3.7 are used for this research. Requirements are available at requirements.txt

Data_XY_BLD_v0 is the CSV dataset, a subset of QT-PAD challenge dataset and ADNI.

Results_v5-4000epochs(paper).zip contains all the results of the ML algorithm for diagnosis and prognosis of AD on 10-fold cross validation.

Pr_Tensorization_v5_RID(paper).py is the code including data normalization, network model and train/testing with cross-validation.

The zip file contains some results.
