
HyperSnips: a powerful snippet engine for VS Code, inspired by vim's UltiSnips

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HyperSnips for Math

这是一个由 OrangeX4 魔改过的 HyperSnips, 增加了对 Markdown 和 Latex 中数学环境匹配 的功能. 并且加入了 ${VISUAL} 语法的支持.

GitHub 地址: https://github.com/OrangeX4/hsnips

使用这个插件前, 请把原来的 HyperSnips 插件删除! 使用这个插件前, 请把原来的 HyperSnips 插件删除! 使用这个插件前, 请把原来的 HyperSnips 插件删除!

并且 开启 在 markdown 下的 自动补全提示, 请使用 Shift + Ctrl + P 然后输入 open settings json 打开配置文件, 然后加入以下部分:

"[markdown]": {
    "editor.quickSuggestions": true

安装完成后, 按下快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + P, 输入命令 Open Snippets Directory, 就可以打开一个文件夹. 在 该文件夹 新建一个文件 markdown.hsnips, 并将 OrangeX4's hsnips 里面的内容输入进去, 保存, 就可以使用了.

先看个 普通例子:

snippet RR "R" iAm

这是一个在数学环境中自动展开的 Snippet, 它有三个标示符 iAm, 分别代表 "在词语内部也会触发", "自动展开" 和 "数学环境".

这个例子会在数学环境内, 自动将 RR 展开成为 \mathbb{R}, 代表 "实数".

再看个 正则表达式 的例子:

snippet `((\d+)|(\d*)(\\)?([A-Za-z]+)((\^|_)(\{\d+\}|\d))*)/` "Fraction no ()" Am
\frac{``rv = m[1]``}{$1}$0

其中 rv = m[1] 是 JavaScript 代码, 表示将正则表达式的第一个组 m[1] 输出给 "返回值" rv, 然后输出出去.

这是一个在数学环境中自动展开的 Snippet, 它有两个标示符 'Am', 分别代表 '自动展开' 和 '数学环境'. 用处是:

1/    --->    \frac{1}{}

相比于原来的 HyperSnips, 最大特点是, 它只会在数学环境 $...$, $$...$$, \(...\)\[...\] 中自动展开!

还有 ${VISUAL} 语法:

snippet fr "frac" iAm

这个语法会保存最近选中的内容 (5 秒内), 然后替换掉 ${VISUAL} 部分.

以下是原来的 README.md:

HyperSnips is a snippet engine for vscode heavily inspired by vim's UltiSnips.


To use HyperSnips you create .hsnips files on a directory which depends on your platform:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Code\User\hsnips\(language).hsnips
  • Mac: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/hsnips/(language).hsnips
  • Linux: $HOME/.config/Code/User/hsnips/(language).hsnips

Or alternatively, you can open this directory by running the command HyperSnips: Open snippets directory.

Additionally, you can create an all.hsnips file for snippets that should be available on all languages.

Snippets file

A snippets file is a file with the .hsnips extension, the file is composed of two types of blocks: global blocks and snippet blocks.

Global blocks are JavaScript code blocks with code that is shared between all the snippets defined in the current file. They are defined with the global keyword, as follows:

// JavaScript code

Snippet blocks are snippet definitions. They are defined with the snippet keyword, as follows:

snippet trigger "description" flags

where the trigger field is required and the fields description and flags are optional.


A trigger can be any sequence of characters which does not contain a space, or a regular expression surrounded by backticks (`).


The flags field is a sequence of characters which modify the behavior of the snippet, the available flags are the following:

  • A: Automatic snippet expansion - Usually snippets are activated when the tab key is pressed, with the A flag snippets will activate as soon as their trigger matches, it is specially useful for regex snippets.

  • i: In-word expansion* - By default, a snippet trigger will only match when the trigger is preceded by whitespace characters. A snippet with this option is triggered regardless of the preceding character, for example, a snippet can be triggered in the middle of a word.

  • w: Word boundary* - With this option the snippet trigger will match when the trigger is a word boundary character. Use this option, for example, to permit expansion where the trigger follows punctuation without expanding suffixes of larger words.

  • b: Beginning of line expansion* - A snippet with this option is expanded only if the tab trigger is the first word on the line. In other words, if only whitespace precedes the tab trigger, expand.

  • M: Multi-line mode - By default, regex matches will only match content on the current line, when this option is enabled the last hsnips.multiLineContext lines will be available for matching.

  • m: Math mode

*: This flag will only affect snippets which have non-regex triggers.

Snippet body

The body is the text that will replace the trigger when the snippet is expanded, as in usual snippets, the tab stops $1, $2, etc. are available.

The full power of HyperSnips comes when using JavaScript interpolation: you can have code blocks inside your snippet delimited by two backticks (``) that will run when the snippet is expanded, and every time the text in one of the tab stops is changed.

Code interpolation

Inside the code interpolation, you have access to a few special variables:

  • rv: The return value of your code block, the value of this variable will replace the code block when the snippet is expanded.
  • t: An array containing the text within the tab stops, in the same order as the tab stops are defined in the snippet block. You can use it to dynamically change the snippet content.
  • m: An array containing the match groups of your regular expression trigger, or an empty array if the trigger is not a regular expression.
  • w: A URI string of the currently opened workspace, or an empty string if no workspace is open.
  • path: A URI string of the current document. (untitled documents have the scheme untitled)

Additionally, every variable defined in one code block will be available in all the subsequent code blocks in the snippet.

The require function can also be used to import NodeJS modules.


  • Simple snippet which greets you with the current date and time
snippet dategreeting "Gives you the current date!"
Hello from your hsnip at ``rv = new Date().toDateString()``!
  • Box snippet as shown in the gif above
snippet box "Box" A
``rv = '┌' + '─'.repeat(t[0].length + 2) + '┐'``
│ $1 │
``rv = '└' + '─'.repeat(t[0].length + 2) + '┘'``
  • Snippet to insert the current filename
snippet filename "Current Filename"
``rv = require('path').basename(path)``