
A website developed in Python & Django

Primary LanguagePython

Django Website

Study Notes

  • Start a new project
    In Terminal
      django-admin startproject projectname
  • Start the server
    In Terminal
      python manage.py runserver
  • Create a new app
    In Terminal
      python manage.py startapp appname
  • Add the app to the root urls.py
    In root urls.py
      from django.urls import include
      # add to urlpatterns
      url('appname/', include(appname.urls)),
    In app urls.py
      from django.contrib import admin
      from django.urls import path
      # add to urlpatterns
      path('', views.index, name='index')    # '' for index page
  • Create models
    In app models.py
    class Model1(models.model):
        column1 = models.DataType(max_length=250)
        column2 = models.DataType(max_length=250)
        def __str__(self): # used to show actual content when asked by Model1.objects.all() in shell
          return self.column1 + '  ' + self.column2
    class Model2(models.model):
        column3 = models.ForeighKey(Model1, on_delete=models.CASADE) # CASADE used for composition relationship
  • Activate models
    In app apps.py
      # add to INSTALLED_APPS
    In Terminal
      python manage.py makemigration appname
      python manage.py migrate
      # to check
      python manage.py sqlmigrate appname idnumber
  • Database API
      python manage.py shell
      # import
      from appname.models import Model1, Model2
      # to check content
      # create an object
      a = Model1(column1="someinfo", column2="someinfo")
      # another way to create an object
      b = Model1()
      b.column1 = "someinfo"
      b.column2 = "someinfo"
      # to check the content of a
      a.id # primary key, can also be a.pk
      # filter
      Model1.objects.filter(id=1) # =pk