
A general-purpose layer 2 zk-rollup scaling solution for Cardano

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


1080x360 Orbis the first general-purpose layer 2 zero-knowledge (zk) rollup protocol for the Cardano blockchain. With the use of cryptography through the zero-knowledge proof encryption scheme, it proves a set of transactions computed off-chain and verified on-chain, and with the prover node and verifier contract architecture, it leverages this scheme to enable a permissionless system with strong security guarantees that is isomorphic to the underlying Cardano mainchain. Orbis' functional programming model enables secure decentralized application development on Orbis at scale which aids in writing bug-free smart contracts. Orbis will introduce a new paradigm to blockchain scalability through a distributed prover node network utilizing recursive zk-SNARKs, which can scale with $O(\log(n+m))$ time complexity to prove the validity of a block of $n$ transactions containing $m$ smart contract invocations.


Documentation: https://docs.orbisprotocol.com

Whitepaper: https://papers.orbisprotocol.com/whitepaper.pdf

Explainer slides: https://docsend.com/view/x3xzywf8pxnixh7c

Developer diaries: https://devdiaries.orbisprotocol.com


Website: https://orbisprotocol.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/orbisproject

Discord: https://discord.gg/orbisprotocol

Blog: https://blog.orbisprotocol.com/