
  • LevelUp is an app for NUS students living on campus to better connect with other students living on campus through common activities and a sharing economy.
  • It is targeted at students who are **interested in connecting with the wider population of students living on campus and are proficient with mobile phone applications.

Example usages:

  • Create, read, update and delete (CRUD) of student profiles which details information such as:
    • Name
    • Profile picture
    • School residence
    • Telegram handle
    • Phone number
  • Create "Jios" (e.g. supper, friendly soccer matches) for other students
  • Join "Jios" created by other students
  • Join Events created by formal committees (e.g. NUS Arts Committee)
  • Participate in the sharing economy by selling or renting items in the Marketplace
  • Find items you need in the Marketplace

Planned Features:


  1. A Chat feature for students to chat within the application instead of exchanging contact information
  2. A Friends feature for students to add other students as 'Friends' in the application
  3. A mean to moderate the application for any potential illegal activites.

This project was done as part of NUS School of Computing's Orbital Project (CP2106)


This project uses the flaticon collection, which provides icons and graphics for our UI and designs.