
turnbox packaged for meteor

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is Turnbox (http://noht.co.jp/turnbox) repackaged for Meteor. To add this to your project, simply type meteor add orbyt:turnbox in your console and hit enter.

Link to package on atmosphere: Atmosphere

Example use:

<div class="sample">
      <div class="turnBoxButton"></div>
      <div class="turnBoxButton"><p>hello</p></div>
      <div class="turnBoxButton"></div>
      <div class="turnBoxButton"></div>

Initiate with $(".sample").turnBox();

I have added the ability to define the dimensions of your item via percentages. To do this, initiate the box like: $(".sample").turnBox({width: 50, percentage: true});. By default, percentage is false, so the element needs to be inside another element that has a height, for a height percentage to be used. An example of setting height: $(".sample").turnBox({width: 50, height: 75, percentage: true});.

Full insctructions for use can be found at the main site.